Chapter 13

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Logan's POV

Patton and I finished setting everything up in an hour. The trailer was decently sized, a queen bed in a room to the right of the front. Directly in front of the front door was a small two person couch with a bookshelf built into the wall beside it. Beside the couch on the left side was a nice wooden table with seats that matched the couch, all bolted to the ground firmly. The kitchen was directly to the left of the front door and was a decent size compared to most trailer kitchens. On the far left, past the kitchen, was the storage room which consisted of two bunk beds on each wall and a closet that looked more like a cabinet in the back. The bathroom was right beside it before you walked into the room as well. The kids would be sleeping in the "storage" room and Patton and I would, obviously, be sleeping in the "master bedroom".

We let the kids choose where they wanted to sleep so that we could put extra stuff on the leftover bed and they could lay their belongings and blankets on the bed of their choice.

Roman and Remus both chose the top bunks, of course, and Virgil chose the bunk under Roman.

Virgil had fears of both the bunks, the top he was afraid to fall off and the bottom he was afraid that the top bunk would break and fall on top of him. I managed to convince him that the chances of the top bunk breaking were extremely low and it was illogical to think like that.

Patton and I decided to save the hot dogs and smores for the next day and just go with another classic camping food, burgers and cinnamon rolls.

Roman and Remus ate theirs fine, Remus was a... Bit messy but when isn't he? Virgil was a bit picky about his and didn't seem quite sure how to fit it in his mouth but tried his best.

It was now bedtime, Patton and I had already put the kids in their beds and tucked them in. We were now laying in our bed in comfortable silence, me spooning Patton.

"Are you enjoying the trip so far, Patton?" I asked, quietly, as if fearful of ruining the comfortable silence.

"I love it, Logie!" He said, turning around to face me, "I just wish it was longer." He added.

"Maybe next year we can plan a little better as to have a longer and more memorable trip." I replied, making a mental note to plan for next years camping trip.

"Can we go camping every year?!" Patton asked me excitedly, his eyes shining bright.

How could I say no to that??

"Of course, Patton, it could be a tradition of sorts!" I suggested, smiling at him.

Patton hugged me tightly, I almost tensed at the action, but I had gotten used to Patton's random hugs, so I didn't.

"I love you, Logiebear." Patton said, using his favorite pet name for me, his voice muffled by my shirt.

"I love you too.. Pattoncake."

Virgil's POV

I looked around the room, shaking slightly.

Uncle Pat and Lo said goodnight and left already. I think they're sleeping so I didn't want to bother them. I could tell Remus was sleeping too because he snored like he did in the car, though it wasn't as loud this time.

Daddy always let me sleep with a light.. The dark is scary.. I hear things in the dark.. I can't see..


I heard a voice whisper. Where did that come from? I start to shake.


I feel tears start to build in my eyes and my breathing begin to quicken.

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