Chapter 18

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Third Person POV

The second day at the Sanders house wasn't bad either. After the little mishap of the kids playing in Logan's office, all was pretty much quiet as the kids went downstairs to watch some more Disney movies, even though Logan was sure they had all watched every single one at least once by now. At one point Roman and Remus had decided to wrestle each other on the couch as The Lion King was on and Simba and Nala were 'wrestling' each other so they decided to see who would win if they were lions and fighting.

News flash, neither won and neither were lions.

Patton was supposed to be coming back today, but there had been a slight.. delay and it would take him a little longer than expected to get back.

What delay you ask? You'll see next chapter. Why does this keep starting at second POV and breaking the fourth wall? Because the author is trash at what she does and uses summaries to start herself off better and also to make the story longer. Trash. Plz fix the fourth wall- and make it gay-

Dean and Logan had afterwords decided to both help with watching the kids so that it was even easier than last time and they could greet Patton and see his 'surprise' as soon as he got back. Especially since neither had work or any other adult stuff to do that day.

So, once again, everyone was at the Sanders household. Logan, Dean, Roman, Remus and Virgil.

And with two adults in charge, seeing how smoothly it went last time with the two, nothing could go wrong! They could just sit back and basically relax while awaiting Patton's arrival! Wow, Patton's 'job' was easy, am I right?

Extremely incorrect actually.


Dean and Logan sat at the dining table with coffee's in hand. Logan, reading the newspaper, probably the only person in their late twenties who did read newspapers, and Dean scrolling through something on his phone. While both liked the news and being caught up in the world, Logan liked reading it on actual paper while Dean preferred to watch the news instead.

(Is it weird that I actually like the news? Like, our roommate, Jim, likes to watch the news sometimes and while I'm in the living room and he turns it on I actually put down my phone or whatever I'm doing to watch it because it interests me. The only thing that I really hate about the news is sports because I have no idea how the fuck sports work or what teams are what.)

While doing what they're doing and sipping their coffee gratefully as it woke them from their usual tired sluggish morning feelings, they exchanged small talk on the news.

"Did you know Canada is trying to become friends and alliances with Iran?" Logan asked, not looking up from what he was reading.

Logan was a good multitasker, he could easily read and talk at the same time and still register what he was reading, what to say and what the other person was saying.

"Really? Isn't Iran an extremely homophobic country? What does Canada want to do with them?" Dean questioned.

"Iran is an extremely homophobic country. While changing your gender is supported and the government will even pay half price for the surgery, having sex with the same gender is punishable by death. But recently Donald Trump sent an unauthorized illegal airstrike down on Soleimani, a major general, killing him, now Iran is protesting an anti-war before things get too out of hand. Canada apparently wants to find out more about the subject and are trying to become friends with them. Canadians are saying that they should find out what's going on and what they plan to do, but drop all friendship with them afterwards." Logan explained, seemingly very educated on the matter. I mean, he was a lawyer though.

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