Chapter 27

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Warnings: Panic attacks, crying, yelling, police officers, someone getting arrested, knives, threatening someone with knife, cutting someone.
(I think that's it, let me know if theres more)

If you're triggered by any of that stuff, dont worry, I'll have a summary of everything that happens in this chapter at the bottom, stay safe❤

Third Person POV

"Virgil, son, did you miss me?"

Virgil was too scared to answer, feeling on the verge of tears and a panic attack, instead deciding to hide his face more into his spider.

"Aww, theres no need to hide from your papa," Robert said, a sick twisted smile on his face.

"Robert, you stay away from him or so help me I'll-" Dean started.

"Or you'll what, Janus?" Robert said, not actually asking, moreso saying it as a threat to Dean.

Dean stopped talking.

"Now, Virgie, how would you like to come stay with papa at his house? It would be so much fun, we could play games and watch movies and meet a bunch of new friends! Whadya say?"

Virgil hesitated, not because he was debating it, but because he was scared, but he shook his head after a moment of hesitation, refusing Robert's offer.

Roberts face contorted from a kind yet sick smile to a straight, yet rage filled, face. His eyes went dark and his crouched posture looked stiff. He breathed a couple times, closing his eyes, calming himself down. When he opened them again, he looked a little better, still angry, but masking it behind kind eyes and a soft voice, hoping to make Virgil feel a bit better so he would talk to him.

"Why not, Virgil? Think about it, we could be a happy family again! Don't you want that?" Robert questioned.

"He said no, now fuck off and quite traumatizing him," Dean growled, trying not to raise his voice to cause another yelling match, but wanting Robert to get the hint and leave.

"He didn't SAY anything," Rob growled back, "Virgie, please, trust your papa, c'mere," he said more softly, turning his attention back to Virgil.

"Don't do it, Virgil," Logan, who was standing beside Virgil, whispered.

Virgil didn't move.

Robert's face became angry once more and he had run out of patience. He grabbed Virgil by the arm and pulled him to where he was in the middle between the kitchen and living room. Logan and Dean both were about to go for him and help Virgil but Rob pulled a knife on him before either of them could do anything. Not wanting Virgil to get hurt, they both stopped.

"Don't move! Or I'll give him a scar to match yours," he pointed the knife toward Dean before bringing it back to Virgils face so that it was touching his skin but not enough to hurt or cut him.

The two were now against the wall in the living room with Dean and Logan in front and furniture at the sides, making it difficult for Robert to go anywhere.

Virgil's eyes were full of fear and glossed over with tears that would not come out if he tried and his small figure was visibly shaking. What was he going to do? What could he do? Nothing. He was scared.

Suddenly, they began to hear sirens, and they were coming closer and becoming louder, until it was clear they were going to Dean's house. Someone had called the police. Robert soon realized this and his knife dug into Virgils skin a bit, causing the boy to yelp in terror as it began to go pierce through. The police were right outside the door now.

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