Chapter 22

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(Art by: me! It was on an app tho, I could never make something actually that good by myself lmao)

Virgil's POV

(What?? Not third person for once?? She must be mad! Idk what y'all want but I thought I'd switch it up a bit today though I enjoy third person as it is easier for me I feel, I can't always write third person XD)

I held daddy's hand as we all walked to the front door of the building. Remus' comment on the place had made me smile and forget about all this for a second, but the second I got out of the car, reality hit me again.

I tried to control my shaky breathing and not to let the tears spill out of my eyes. Every inch of me wanted to run away and hide somewhere so that I didn't have to do this. It took all of my energy not to throw a tantrum and cause a scene.

Two kids my age, maybe a bit older, ran past us outside, squealing with joy as one chased the other. I jumped closer to dad when they came, nearly bumping into me as they skimmed by. I held on to dad tighter and I felt him give my hand a reassuring squeeze.

We stopped and I saw uncle Pat and dad talking to a tall lady. She looked quite old yet quite young as well. She had tan skin that looked kind of pasty, her face looks smooth and clean, but also wrinkly. She had large, blue, circular glasses that looked fake. Her hair was light autumn brown and styled into a large old school perm that went a little past her shoulders. She had a large goofy smile on her face with straight pearly white teeth and light freckles littered her face. She had bright turquoise eyes, small eyelashes and think pink lips.

I didn't really listen to their conversation, too busy trying to not cry and hugging dad's leg like my life depended on it. It didn't help that everything was so loud here.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped and squeezed my eyes shut instinctively.

"Virgil?" A voice questioned.

I recognized the voice as Roman's and opened my eyes. Everyone was staring at me, well, except the other kids who were still playing and running around.

"Hi Virgil! I'm Mrs. Fleming, your teacher! Over there is your other teacher, Mrs. Murphy! You have another teacher, Mr. Sanders, but he unfortunately isn't here today!" The tall lady, who I now know as Mrs. Fleming, explained, sounding overly cheerful the entire time. She seemed kind of like uncle Pat when I first met him, but she sounded more fake.

"Hah! What a coincidence! Our last name is Sanders as well! From my husband's side of course!" Patton said.

She stood up, having been crouching while talking to me before, and turned to uncle Pat with a large, forced, toothy grin.

"Husband?" She looked between him and dad, her smile faltering only a bit before she fixed it quickly, "how cute! You two do make an adorable couple!"

Uncle Pat and dad blushed bright red, looking at each other then back at Mrs. Fleming at the same time while spluttering out mixtures of "no" "we're not" "he's not" before they both put them together.

"No, we're not together!"

"Yeah, no!"

"My husband couldn't make it, work stuff!"

"My last relationship didn't work out!"

"We're just friends!" They both said at the same time.

Mrs. Fleming looked a bit shocked at the outburst but fixed it with her signature smile once more.

"Well then.. Anyway, I hope you know we accept all families of any race, religion and.. sexual orientation!"

(Totally did not steal that from Supernatural haha-)

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