Chapter 29

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Third Person POV

It was time. The day had finally come. They had to say goodbye.

Patton was full on sobbing as he said goodbye to Virgil and Janus, hugging them both tightly goodbye.

"Oh, I'm gonna miss you so much, kiddo," he cried, while hugging Virgil.

Roman tried to hold it in but it didn't last long as he quickly burst into tears like Patton and hugged Virgil as well, refusing to let go.

"Please don't leave! I don't want you to leave!" Roman cried.

Remus was trying really hard to hold it in, but eventually he also caved and started crying and hugging Virgil with Roman.

Even Logan and Janus let a few tears slip from their eyes.

"Come on guys, it's not so bad, you can still talk and see each other on the phone," Janus reassured the kids.

"But it's not the same..." Remus muttered sadly.

"We won't ever be able to play together or hug each other or watch movies together ever again..!" Roman began listing the things they would no longer be able to do together, remembering the moments they had together, which just made him more sad and begin to cry more.

Tears were also slipping from Virgil's eyes as he hugged both the twins back, remembering all their moments together.

Watching Disney movies together... Camping together... Preschool... The Dragon Witch game... So much had happened in their short time there, none of them were ready for it all to be over so soon. None of them thought that it would end so soon. None of them wanted it to end so soon.

And yet they found themselves there, saying their goodbyes. For real this time.

Janus buckled Virgil in. Got into the drivers seat. And waved goodbye to the closest people he would ever get to family. Stepping on the gas pedal and driving away.

"Goodbye..." Virgil whispered out the window to his friends, the first words he had said in weeks, but it was too late, they couldn't hear.

He didn't get to say goodbye.


1. Im sorry its so short, I kinda didn't wanna ruin it with a long chapter.
2. Im sorry for such a sad ending, idk if you guys as readers thought it was sad, but I almost cried.
3. Im sorry this is your ending chapter ;-;
I'm just kidding (kinda-) this is the last OFFICIAL chapter, but there will still be an epilogue chapter which will be longer but that will be the LAST chapter of this book.
I'll explain what I'm doing with everything once the ending chapter is finished (Not an actual chapter, just a chapter where I talk about whats coming next and sequels and shit so if you're reading in the future, I wouldn't bother, but if you're reading somewhat in the present, I would suggest reading that.)

Word Count: 488

Date Published: March 13th, 2021

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