Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

It was now the twins birthday. All the kids were upstairs, playing house, something that they didn't usually play. Patton and Logan were downstairs, setting up decorations, as the rest of the family would be there soon.

"Remus, stop puking! You look like you're puking!" Roman yelled.

"YOU'RE PUKING!" Remus yelled back defensively.

....they're weird...

Virgil, who was playing the baby, thought.

(That was an actual argument that happened between my siblings, btw...)

"..okay then." Roman, who was playing the dad, said hesitantly.

Remus, who was playing the dog, growled.

Roman remembered that they were playing a game and immediately got back into character.

"Okay baby Virgie! Its breakfast time!" Roman said.

He managed to pick up Virgil, him being surprisingly that light, but still struggled a bit as Roman wasn't used to picking things up nearly the same size as him. He was about to put Virgil into their makeshift highchair when Virgil meowed.


"No, Virgil! You not a cat, you a baby!" Roman corrected.

"I-I wan be kittie dough!" Virgil cried.

"But then its not family! It's pets!" Roman argued.

Virgil just pouted and crossed his arms angrily.

Suddenly they heard a loud feminine like scream from downstairs. They all came running down.

Patton was screaming near the front door as Logan was desperately trying to calm him down. Roman and Remus came running over, to see what was wrong quickly, ignoring the decorations as their first priority was Patton. At least, for Roman. Remus got distracted by the balloons pretty quickly.

"Daddy, what's wrong?!" Roman asked.

"Its nothing Roman, Patton just saw a little spider-" Logan was cut off by Patton quickly.

"IT WAS HUGE AND ITS RIGHT THERE!" He screamed and pointed at it.

Roman looked to where Patton was pointing.

"ILL KILL IT FOR YOU!" He yelled, pulling out his foam sword from nowhere.

He ran up to the location the Patton pointed, looking for the spider. Suddenly, he came face to face with the beast. It had been hanging from a string in the doorway and was now right in front of Romans eyes, its legs sprawled in the air as it seemed to be enjoying just hanging there.

Roman gulped as he tried to swallow his fear, but soon was found crying and hugging Logan's leg. Logan was now being latched onto by Patton and Roman, unable to kill the spider himself now.

Virgil had finally finished scooting his way down the stairs and was now walking down the short hallway to find Patton and Roman hugging Logan tightly in fear. Virgil looked at them confused.

"Virgil, watch out-!"

Virgil came face to face with the spider, just as Roman had. But he did not feel fear. He looked between Xantremous and the spider, realising what it was.

To everyone's shock, he casually, gently picked up the spider in his hand. The spider surprisingly remained still as Virgil went to the back sliding glass door, opening it and gently laying the spider on the ground as it crawled away. Virgil shut the door and walked back to find everyone staring at him. Well, except Remus who was still trying to attack a balloon.

"Virgil, you saved us!!" Patton yelled, running up to Virgil and giving him a tightly hug.

"Oh thank God!" Roman yelled and hugged Virgil tightly with Patton as well.

Virgil stiffened at the sudden contact and was a bit confused on why they had all been so scared of the tiny eight legged creature, but kind of accepted the gratitude nonetheless.

"I mean, I could have handled it..." Roman said quickly, remembering that he was supposed to be the brave one.

"I'm sure you could have, kiddo!" Patton agreed, ruffling his hair.

"Yes, that was indeed excellent work and quick thinking on your part, Virgil." Logan praised, no physical contact though, which Virgil was grateful for.


Everyone quickly looked to see what the loud noise was and saw Remus in the living room, holding the dead remains of a green balloon.

"Uh oh..." Remus said quietly as he started to tear up, "I holding bawoon bwood.. BILLY NOOO!!" He cried dramatically at the death of his green balloon friend apparently named Billy.

Patton and Logan tried to comfort him and get him to calm down but he only seemed to cry harder. Roman and Virgil didn't seem to mind much though.

"This one Bob!" Roman said, grabbing a red one.

Roman grabbed a purple one and gave it to Virgil, knowing that purple is his favorite colour, other than black, because there were no black ones.

"Here you go! What are you going to name yours?" Roman asked.

"...BiwwyBob." Virgil said, putting Roman and Remus' balloon names together.

"BILLYYY WHYYYY?!!!?" Remus continued to cry.

Just as Remus was starting to calm down, Romans and Virgil's balloons popped and then they all began to simultaneously cry.

"Next year, no balloons." Logan said to Patton.

"Agreed." Patton said back.


Word Count: 854

Date Published: October 14th, 2019

Edited: December 28th, 2019

Date Re-Published: January 6th, 2020

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