!Bonus Chapter 30!

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(Art By: mayura1998 on Instagram!
I have gotten permission from this artist to feature her art in my story, please do not use it without her permission and be sure to credit if you do get her permission to use it!)

[They're moved into their new house and it is Christmas. Dee feels bad because he couldn't afford a lot of gifts for Virgil and doesn't have a lot of family to help. They get a package as a present for Virgil and even something for Deceit from Patton, Logan, Roman and Remus. The gift for Virgil was a cat stuffy with purple patches on it and green and purple button eyes like from Coraline. Dean's present is his hat. And for both of them, it was a group photo of all of them together to keep forever so they never forget about them]

Janus' POV

I sighed, looking over the house with my hands on my hips, dark circles under my eyes.
Doing everything on my own has been hard, but I've been managing.
It's Christmas eve, Virgil is in bed, the milk and cookies have been left out, and the presents are underneath the tree. There wasn't that many, but I did what I could. Two for Virgil and one for me from Virgil, poorly wrapped with construction paper that he clearly did at school; it made me smile.

I decide that it was time for me to get some rest and headed off to my room. As soon as I get there, I see the package and remember there's one last present to put under the Christmas tree. A soft smile makes its way to my lips.
I had gotten a package delivered to my door a few days ago, not knowing what it was, I opened it up, luckily, the gifts were still individually wrapped with Christmas paper, and there was a card that said "DO NOT OPEN TILL CHRISTMAS! Ps: Merry Christmas by the way, from Patton, Logan, Roman + Remus :)"

There were three, one for Virgil, one for me, and one for both of us. I placed them under the tree, reminiscing about the times we all had together. It made me tear up a bit.. I could only hope that we would be able to see each other again.

-Christmas Morning-

I yawned, squinting my eyes as I tried to open them whole the sun was in my face. Hissing, I turned away from my window and slowly stretched before remembering it was Christmas morning.

Is Virgil even awake yet??

I questioned, he was a pretty early waker no matter when you put him to bed, so it made me panic that he had not woken me up himself yet.
I grabbed my house coat and wrapped it around myself before opening Virgil's door and seeing an empty bed.
My heart raced but I tried to remain calm on the outside.

What if they took him?!

I rushed into the living room/kitchen and saw Virgil making breakfast at the counter and let out a large exhale of breath I had been holding in.

"Hi daddy..!" He said in his loudest voice, which was not very loud.

I smiled, "hi buddy, whatcha up to?" I questioned, walking over to him, seeing two bowls on the counter.

"Makin bwekfist," he responded, concentrating on pouring the milk.

"You want some help?" I asked, worried he might spill it everywhere, but not wanting to upset him.

"Nope, thank you."

"Okay..." I said, carefully, and watched him.

Once he was done, I gave him a high five.

"Dis one for you," he instructed, giving me one of the bowls with a giant spoon in it.

"Thanks, Virge! We'll eat and then open presents, okay?"


After eating, we sat down and began opening presents. Virgil got a few new toys from me and I got a yellow worm-on-a-string with a drawing of me and the worm, but a snake version. Virgil refused to believe it was a worm and insisted it was a baby snake.

Then it was time to open our old neighbors' presents.

Virgil opened his up to reveal a cute and plushy stuffed cat that was black with purple patches and green and purple button eyes, just like Virgil's. He hugged it happily and I could tell this cat was the next Xan.

I opened mine to reveal a bowler hat.
(I know he already had the bowler hat before but shhhh, I'm gonna change that, pretend he hasn't had it for literally the entire story..)

Finally, we opened the last present for both of us, and found a photo in a picture frame, of Patton, Logan, Roman, Remus, Virgil, and me. A note fell out of the wrapping, I picked it up and saw writing on it.

"Don't forget us!"

I smiled through teary eyes then placed it back down.

"Daddy, can we see Roman and Remus again soon?" Virgil asked.

I picked him up and gave him a smile, "of course buddy. Soon," I gave him a hug, a tear running down my face.

Sorry Pat... sorry kids... sorry Virgil...


Ahhh finally the official ending is doneee! This has been such a long journey tbh, I never thought it would take this long to finish this story that started out as a one-shot.
Idk what I'll get up to next, I don't have a specific story I'm super excited about rn, especially no fanfictions right now, but we'll see!
I think this time, I'll try and finish writing whatever fanfiction I decide to work on before publishing it because otherwise I get confused and unmotivated and then people stop reading because they forget about it and that's no fun for anyone!

Sorry, way too long, idk why I do that-
Hope you liked the story (I will edit it a final time before leaving it alone completely) and I hope to maybe see you around! :)

Date Published: Sept 27th, 2021

Word Count: 1,004

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