Chapter 5

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Dean's POV

I had finished doing everything I had planned that day. The house was looking much more like a home and I was quite proud of myself.

Then I remembered that I should probably go get Virgil since he had been there for most of the day.

I head over to the house across the street and knock on the door. I waited a couple seconds before I see Logan open it.

"Salutations, Deceit." He greeted with a smile, opening the door wider for me to come inside.

"Hello, Logan. Is Virgil ready?" I asked.

"I believe he and Roman are resting at the moment." Logan informed.

"Oh, should I come back later?" I asked, not wanting to intrude.

"Actually, there is something both Patton and I would like to speak to you about." Logan said, slowly.

I gave him a questionable look.

"It's about Virgil." He finished.

I begin to panic. What was this about..?

We both walked into the living room. I saw Patton sitting with Remus, watching a movie.

"Patton, it's Dean." Logan informed.

"Oh, hey, Dee!" Patton greeted with a smile.

A pain shot through my heart upon hearing the nickname, but I ignored it and smiled back at him.

"Hi, Patton."

"Patton, we should probably discuss the incident with him now." Logan reminded.

"Oh, yeah.. Sorry, Re, me and daddy have to talk to Dean right now but we'll finish the movie with you later, okay?"

Logan looked like he was trying really hard not to interrupt and correct Patton on saying "daddy and I" not "me and daddy."

"Fine..." Remus said, looking at the ground, pouting.

Logan and Patton lead me to the dining room and motioned for me to sit. I did so, worry deep in the pit of my stomach. What had happened that got even Patton looking serious?

"Well, today there was a little.. Incident with Virgil." Logan started.

"Oh no, what happened?!" I asked, becoming even more concerned.

"Long story short we think Virgil might have PTSD.." Patton blurted out.

"W-whats that?" I asked confused.

"It stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. Basically when something really bad happens in someone's life that permanently scars them causing them to have flashbacks, nightmares and panic attacks about them." Patton answered again, sounding surprisingly smart for his mentality.

"He.. He always did have nightmares ever since what happened.. But I just never really questioned it.. But I've never caught him having a panic attack." I said on shock, "what exactly happened?"

"I brought them lunch in their room, I heard some yelling and when I came up, Roman and Remus were fighting. Remus had Virgil's spider as well. As that was happening, Virgil was having a panic attack on the other side of the room, he was curled up in a ball, shaking and crying, mumbling some things that I couldn't hear. He wouldn't let me touch him either. He calmed down after I gave him the spider though." Patton said.

"He can't go anywhere without Xantremous." I mumbled.

Yes, Xantremous. That's what he had named the spider. I have no idea where he got the name, it kind of scared me when he first said it. I mean, he's a child who wears all black and never speaks and one of the few things I ever hear come out of his mouth sounds like a name from Satan himself. What do you expect?

"Dean.. What did happen to cause Virgil to have a panic attack?" Logan asked, carefully.


What do I say?

I took my hat off and ran my fingers through my short, greasy, dark brown hair.

Do I just reveal everything and let it all spill out? Do I keep it a secret? Tell them that I'm not ready? Make up a lie? I've always been good at that..

"Dee, it's okay.. You can trust us." Patton reassured after I didn't answer.

No.. That's what he said too..

"Nothing. Nothing that I know of." I lied. I knew exactly what Virgil got PTSD from. But I'm not ready for that story.

Logan looked like he was about to say something but was interrupted by a tiny shuffling behind me.

I turned around a smile on my face when I saw Virge one hand rubbing the sleep out of his eye and the other holding onto his blanket and spider.

"Hey, Virge, come here." I said softly, holding out my arms.

He waddled over and I picked him up so that he was on my lap.

"How was your nap?" I asked.

"Ro potec me" He answered very quietly, obviously not really wanting to speak in front of the new people.

"Oh did he now?" I questioned, with a smirk.

Virgil nodded with a small smile, then cuddled into me again, hiding his face in my shoulder. I smiled at the action, then turned to Patton and Logan.

"Well, we should probably get going. Tomorrow Virge and I are going to spend a day to ourselves." I informed.

"Aww, no Virgil tomorrow?" Roman whined from behind me, taking me a bit by surprised as he had seemingly showed up out of nowhere when he usually makes a grand entrance.

"Yes, no Virgil tomorrow!" Remus cheered from the living room.

"Okay, well you guys have fun then and we'll see you later!" Patton said, happily, as usual.

"Goodbye, Dean. And goodbye, Virgil." Logan said, monotone, as usual.

Bye!" Roman and Remus said at the same time.

"Bye, guys!" I said as well.

Virgil gave a small wave and smile as I walked out the door and to our house across the street.


Word Count: 965

Date Published: August 6th, 2019

Edited: December 20th, 2019

Date Re-Published: December 29th, 2019

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