Chapter 25

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(Fanart by: FirePhoenix_Flame thank you so much this is so cute!! If any of you wanna make fan art for this story I'd be happy to see and feature it here!)

Third Person POV

They were now all home, well, at Ash's home.

The black and white kitten with the broken paw in the cage being brought in by Anastasia, Anya, to shorten it down.

"Aw, what are we gonna name him?!" Roman asked excitedly as Anya put the cage down on the ground, Ash bringing in the rest of the dress up stuff and cat toys and such.

"Well, according to the sheet his name is Gimpy.. but that seems a bit mean to me," Anya replied.

"I agree, that's like Yellowfang naming Brokenstar Brokenkit when he was born and everyone assumed it was because he had a weird broken like tail when really it was for her broken heart, but either way it seemed mean to me," Ash rambled, everyone looked at her strangely, "uh, never mind- point is, we should come up with a different name for him."

"Bob!" Roman suggested.

"What is it with you and naming everything Bob?"

Roman shrugged.

They shared a few more name ideas before Ash spoke up, having a sudden realisation.

"Where's Remus?"

Everyone stayed silent for a few seconds when they began hearing rummaging in the kitchen.

Ash smirked, motioning for the others to continue talking like normal and got up quietly.

"Oh well, I'm sure he'll turn up eventually," Anya shrugged.

Roman looked confused, then the flash of sudden realisation crossed his face, "hes stinky anyway."

"OW-" Roman whined, rubbing his head where Virgil had just wacked him with Remus' morningstar.

While they were doing that, Ash had snuck into the kitchen quietly, seeing Remus rummage through the cabinets full of food.

"What're you doing?" She asked from behind him, scaring him so bad he flung the pack of Oreos he had been holding, in the air.

Ash laughed dramatically as Remus stood up quickly and glared at her, trying to look intimidating and angry though it only made Ash laugh even harder, soon the others were joining in as well and Remus couldn't keep his stern face.

"Its not funny!" He yelled, trying to hide the smile creeping it's way on his face.

"Sure its not. You know, if you wanted a snack, you could have just asked," Ash said once her laughter had died down, "I'm your nana, it's my job to spoil you."

Remus brightened and Ash helped him pick out some snacks for later.

"Oreo.. Oreo!" Virgil said, when he saw the package, then ran up to Anya, excitedly.

"Oreo!" He stated happily, though Anya didn't seem to understand his one worded sentences.

"Yeah, those are oreos.. do you want some?" She asked.

Virgil ignored the question as he did want some, but that wasn't what he was trying to say, and it was too difficult to explain that. So he pointed instead.

"Oreo!" He stated again, this time pointing at the kitten.

"Ohhh, he wants to name the cat Oreo!" Roman said.

"Hey, that's a good idea Virge, he does look like a little oreo! What do you think, Ash?"

"I don't know what you guys are talking about but yes!" She called from the kitchen.

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