Chapter 15

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(Art by me! Kinda.. It was on an app, but yeah.. I could never actually make that..!)

Third Person POV

It was the next day, everyone was awake and getting ready to leave. Patton was going to make lunch before they left, having been all packed up already.

Remus had decided to play outside, getting bored of Roman's constant stories and Virgil's excited, happy face while he watched Roman tell it with big, curious eyes. It wasn't fair. Virgil stole Roman from him, and now he had no friends.


Roman had just finished telling extravagant, yet completely over the top, extra, story about a prince saving a princess from the dreaded dragon witch. It was weird that all of Romans stories always had a dragon, or a witch, or a dragon witch.

He jumped off the table with a loud 'BOOM', catching the attention of his dad.

"ROMAN SANDERS! You're going to hurt yourself!" Pat scolded.

"Sorry, dad.." Roman apologized, sitting at the table beside Virgil once again.

Virgil giggled at Roman while he pouted about the slight scolding.

"I'm bored!" Roman whined after just a few moments of silence.

Logan, who was currently on the couch, sighed, probably out of annoyance at the constant noise, while trying to read his book.

"Why don't you go play outside with your brother?" Patton suggested, "there's only a few minutes until lunch is ready and then we have to go, might as well enjoy the outside."

"But Remus is annoying!" Roman complained.

"Roman, that's not very nice! He's your brother!" Patton scolded.

"Well Virgil doesn't like him either!" Roman defended, "right, Virgil?"

Virgil played with the cuffs of his sweater, nervously. Eyeing them as if they were the most interesting think in the world.

"W-well he scary.." Virgil started, quietly.


"But he sometime nice.." Virgil also defended, taking a neutral side.

Roman crossed his arms in a huff that Virgil didn't take his side.
Virgil felt bad, half because he made Roman upset and half because they were talking about Remus behind his back.

"Okay, well, maybe sometimes your brother can be a bit.. Out there. But that's no reason to exclude him or treat him like he's different. Did you ever think that he might be acting out because you're so mean to him?" Patton asked, stopping what he was doing to have a proper, serious conversation to the creative, young child.

Roman shook his head, looking down in shame, actually thinking about it.

Remus always had been silly, gross and strange, but recently it had been a bit much. Now that Roman thought about it, it started ever since Virgil showed up.

"Well then, go play with your brother." Patton said, then leaned down in front of Roman with a bit of concern in his eyes. "Try to include him in more things as well. We both know that Remus doesn't really do good with words, so its better to show him your sorry through actions instead."

Roman nodded. Patton got up with a small smile on his face.
Roman and Virgil got out of the seat, Roman walking quickly to the door, Virgil was about to follow him, but stopped in front of Logan.

"Virgil? You coming?" Roman asked after he opened the door and realised Virgil wasn't following him.

Logan looked up from his book to surprisingly see Virgil looking at him.

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