Chapter 2

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Dean's POV

I woke up the next day to Virgil shaking me.

"Mmm, what is it Virgil..?" I asked, still half asleep.

He didn't reply, unsurprisingly, but continued shaking me.

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up!" I said, opening my eyes making Virgil stop shaking me, "what time is it?" I muttered, half to myself, grabbing my phone that was plugged in beside the foamy, turning it on, quickly turning down the brightness all the way as the bright screen murdered my eyes.


"Virgil it's 6:00AM, go back to sleep!"

Virgil gave me scared eyes that already told me that he couldn't go back to sleep because of a nightmare.

"Bad dream?" I asked, though already knowing the answer.

He nodded, slightly embarrassed that he had a nightmare.

"Was it about.. him?" I trailed off, not even wanting to say his name.

Virgil slowly nodded, hugging his stuffed spider.

"Hey, it's okay," I said, pulling him into a light hug, "I think and sometimes dream about him a lot too.. but it's okay, he's gone now, and he's not going to hurt us ever again."

Virgil looked up at me, I knew that he was looking at the large scar that cursed my face in memory of him. I remembered when it first happened and Virgil saw me after the incident, he was scared of me for a week and it broke my heart. Eventually he understood that it was still me, I just looked a bit.. different and he came to trust me again.

Virgil held out his pinkie and I knew what he wanted, I put out my pinkie as well and put around his while saying, "I promise."

He gave a small smile and hugged me again. I knew this meant I love you. I always knew what he meant without words.

"I love you too, Virge." I kissed the top of his head, "well, since we're already awake and probably not going back to bed anytime soon, might as well get up and ready for the day."

I got up, along with Virgil. Today was the day that we got our storage bin with the rest of our stuff brought here which meant I had to re-build everything all over again and hopefully apply for a job today. I had went to college to become a lawyer until I met Robert.. Eventually, I didn't see a need to continue schooling when Robert provided everything that I needed. I was in love. Blinded by it. Now look where that got me..

I got Virgil dressed then told him to go brush his teeth, he did as he was told and I got dressed afterwards. I also decided to cover my scar with cover up. I like to not get judged and questioned by random people in public. We continued doing our basic routine and by the time we were done and ready to go it was 7:05AM.

Good timing.

The storage bin would be arriving in about an hour and in the mean time we could get breakfast and maybe do a little bit of grocery shopping.

"You getting hungry, Virge?" I asked.

He shrugged. He didn't get hungry often, but I always made sure he had at least breakfast and dinner... Okay, it was usually brunch, but who likes getting up early?

"You wanna go for a car ride and get a bit of breakfast?"

He shrugged again. He didn't much like cars, he got car sick easily.

"Come on then," I said, picking him up after getting his shoes on and bringing him out to the car, buckling him up in his carseat.

I got in the driver's seat, buckling up then heading out onto the road. We decided to get some breakfast from McDonald's, it was rare that Virge and I got to eat out.

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