Chapter 6

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Dean's POV

I woke up the next day in my own bed with a little body curled up next to me. I sighed and guilt rushed to my stomach before I pushed it down, realising that he probably had another nightmare and I wasn't there to help him with it.

You can't always be there for him.

I tried to reassure myself, but that thought only made me feel more guilty about how true it was.

I checked the time.


Damn.. it's early.

I got up quietly and carefully as to not wake Virgil.

"Daddy?" Virgil questioned, sitting up.

I sighed, "Virge, did you sleep?"

He shrugged, looking down.

I couldn't say I was surprised. He usually did this. After having a nightmare, it was nearly impossible for him to sleep, even right beside me. Sometimes on really bad nights, he wouldn't be able to sleep at all even without having a nightmare.

"You wanna come get breakfast then?"

He nodded.

We then went downstairs and got some cereal. We usually had what people would call "lazy" breakfasts. Which, I mean, I guess they're not wrong because the whole reason we don't have anything else is because I'm too lazy to bother, but breakfast is breakfast so those people can shut up and suck my-

"M'kay, we have Captain Crunch, Fruit Loops or Reese Puffs." I informed.

Virgil pointed at the Reese Puffs, obviously not in a talkative mood today.

I nodded, getting him a bowl and pouring the cereal and milk. Giving him the bowl and a spoon as he began eating at the table.
I poured myself some Fruit Loops and began eating while leaning against the counter.

"So, you have another nightmare last night?" I asked him slowly.

He hesitantly nodded and continued eating.

"What was it about?"

He shrugged and I sighed.

"Virgil, you have to talk to daddy."

He didn't say anything and, after a few moments, I sighed, again, knowing I wasn't going to get anything out of him. I already knew what the nightmare was about anyway. Even if he didn't.

We finished our cereal in silence, when we were done I stacked our bowls beside the sink. There was no dishwasher here and I didn't feel like washing dishes at 7am.

"Guess what? You and me are going to spend the whole day together! Doesn't that sound like fun?" I told him, kneeling down to his height.

He nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Good, now let's go get ready!"

We did what we needed then head out to the car.

"Okay, so what do you want to do today?" I asked once I got into the drivers seat.

I saw Virgil shrug in the rearview mirror.

He's really not in a talkative mood today... Well, when is really, anyway?

"Well, why don't we go to 7/11 and get some junk food? Then we have a doctors appointment for you and we can go to the park maybe and have a movie night?" I suggested.

He nodded in excited agreement and I laughed, turning on the car.

"Okay then, let's go!"

7/11 wasn't very far away, it only took us maybe 2 minutes to get there. I unbuckled Virgil and helped him out of his seat then we headed inside. Virgil proceeded to pick a slurpee and chocolate bar. I got a chocolate bar as well and I paid for our stuff. We got back in the car and Virgil sipped his slurpee happily.

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