Chapter 14

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Logan's POV

"We're home!" I hear a voice yell, waking me from my sleep.

The first thing I noticed was that it was warm. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I looked down to see Virgil, who was also just waking up from his nap on top of me. He yawned and rubbing his eyes before jumping up with a smile.

"RO!" Virgil immediately and ran to Roman, jumping on him causing them both to fall to the ground. Roman looked shocked, which could have been because Virgil just tackled him to the ground, but he seems shocked in a different way...

I've never seen Virgil so excited or happy.

I noted and gave a small chuckle at their situation.

"You guys took a long time, are you alright?" I asked Patton, standing up.

"Yeah, the kiddos were just being.. Kiddos!" Pat said with a tired giggle, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"We saw animals and got to pet and feed them! We saw goats and bunnies and sheep and PONIES!" Roman screamed ponies loudest and most excited of all. "Remus was a butt though and I almost didn't get to feed one!"

"I was not! And horses are dumb anyway! I wanna go to an aquarium next time, those are funner!" Remus stated.

"'Funner' isn't a word-" I started.

"Yes it is!" Remus argued, quickly.

"Don't yell at mom!" Roman yelled.

"Who wants hotdogs??" Patton interrupted before a big argument could break out among the two.

Pat is so good with kids.. God I love him..

"ME!" The twins called at the same time, immediately stopping their bickering.

Virgil's perked up, signaling, silently, that he wanted one too.

"Okay, go find yourselves a stick each!" Pat ordered, opening the door for them.

And with that, they ran off to find themselves a stick. The twins arguing over who was going to find the bigger stick.

"Why do they need a stick?" I questioned.

"To cook the hotdogs with, silly!" Pat retorted with a giggle, walking out after them and beginning to start a fire in the already built fireplace.

"Well that just seems plain unsanitary." I muttered, following him outside.

"Oh, come on, Logie! Its fun!" Patton said, examining a stick on the ground before nodding and looking back to me.

"I'll stick to my nice, clean, new, kind of expensive, sanitary 'stick', thank you very much." I said, holding up a hotdog cooking stick you buy from stores.

"..... Was that a dad joke I heard?!" Patton squealed.

I blushed, not even realising I had done it.

"No! No. I didn't make any dad jokes. That's your thing." I defended.

"Sureeee." He said, drawing out the end and raising his eye brows suggestively.

"I GOT THE BEST STICK!" Roman yelled, running up to us.

"I GOT THE MORE BESTEST STICK!" Remus yelled, running right behind his brother, holding his stick up as well.

"Remus, 'bestest' isn't a word." I informed, once again.

"Yes it is!" He fought back, "I made it!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing that there was no convincing him.

"Virgil? You done yet-" Patton started, but cut himself slightly off when Virgil came running up with a stick.

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