Chapter 16

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Third Person POV

Today the kids were all hanging out again, per usual. But, today, something was different. No, today, they were not at the Sanders household, but, instead, at Dean and Virgil's house.

Logan was busy at work, like always. And Patton had a family emergency with his sister, Lyn. He would be gone for two days. Dean and Logan were both dreading it. They had decided they were going to take turns having the children. Dean taking them on day one and Logan on day two. It worked out perfectly since Dean wasn't busy on that day and Logan wasn't busy on the next, while Dean was.

Unfortunately, neither were the best parents, at least, that's what they believed. Virgil was one thing, he was quiet and respectable and only one child. Roman and Remus were completely different stories for the two less experienced parents.

Dean let the kids inside the house at 7:00am while Logan drove off to work.

Emile had taken Patton and Ash himself since they all lived in the same town and what's the point on waisting three tanks of gas and money trying to get to the same destination when you can just waist one?
Ash was in charge of buying snacks.
Emile was in charge of driving.
Patton was in charge of keeping the mood light and using his best dad joke materiel, which they all loved since they loved dad jokes, even if some of them were stupid. Where do you think Patton developed his love for dad jokes? .. it was from Ash, in case you were confused.
And they took turns choosing music. Emile liked calm, relaxing music, Patton liked strange kind of Indie music, and Ash liked rock/punk, hip hop and metal. .. so we had a few different genre's in there. Ash was very upset that Emile's car didn't have base.

But, anyway, this chapter is not about their small adventure, but about Dean's time dea(n)ling with the three stars of our story. Roman and Remus, the monstrous twins, and the quiet one. When did this become second POV??

"Virgil, would you like to show Roman and Remus your room?" Dean asked his son, as the twins had not yet actually been inside the others house other than looking on the outside in.

Virgil nodded and began crawling up the stairs, he was much faster now, having gotten used to using the stairs at his and the Sanders household frequently. Sometimes he would walk up the stairs normally, gripping the railing as he did so, but crawling was much faster for his small body.
The twins followed close behind, nearly shoving each other off the stairs multiple times. Virgil walked into his room, the twins behind him as they gazed around it.

The walls were a very pale pastel purple compared to the dark purple of Virgil's blanket and hair streaks. His bed was small and easy to crawl into, the sheets were black, the comforter was black with purple stripes. One wall next to his bed was littered with some drawings that, to an adult, were honestly pretty bad, but for a child, were pretty good. At the end of his bed, and littered over the floor, were a few plushies. What? Virgil liked soft and cuddly things! On the other side was what looked to be a small fort, made with a sheet, propped up by a small bookshelf on one side and an old rocking chair on the other.

"What's that?" Roman asked, pointing to the makeshift fort.

"Secwet," Virgil stated with a triumphant smile.

Truth be told, he just didn't want Remus in there because he knew he would wreck everything.

"Aww, but I tell you all my secrets!" Roman pleaded.

Virgil thought for a moment, glancing at Remus- except, Remus wasn't there anymore! Roman seemed to notice this as well and the two looked around for the lost brother but found him no where. Virgil decided to use this time to show Roman his "secret" hideout before Remus came back, probably with his dad's deodorant.

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