Chapter 8: Mikasa's Recovery

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Mikasa lay in the hospital bed, it was night. She was fast asleep, the oxygen mask still on her. The room was dark, Eren sitting at her bedside.

He held her hand softly, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. Her breathing was still very weak and uneven. Despite having morphine, she would still have some pain for a few weeks.

During the night, Eren had gotten out of the bed so Mikasa could rest easier and had more room, she hadn't been awake at all.

Eren stroked her hair softly with his free hand, when the door opened then. A bright yellowish light shined into the dark room.

"Eren...sweetie, it's midnight. It's school tomorrow, she's in the best hands", Carla stood there, looking worried.

"I'm not leaving her", Eren said sharply. Carla looked at her son, concerned.

"I understand what you're feeling son, but you can't be losing nights of sleep", she said worried.

"You didn't see her laying in that road", Eren growled then. Carla looked at her son.

"She was just laying there...mangled...", Eren shook. "Eren...", Carla knew there was no convincing him.

He would not leave her side. Not now.

Carla's eyes softened more. " can stay with her tonight, but you still have school tomorrow", she said.

Eren nodded, not answering as he gently squeezed Mikasa's limp hand.

Carla closed the door softly, and saw her husband talking with some nurses. "How's her condition, dear?", she asked approaching.

"Well, she's stable. But it's going to be a long way to recovery. She'll need to stay in here for the first 3 weeks, and spend the last six in bed at home", replied Grisha.

"Eren's going to stay here tonight...I tried to convince him to come home", Carla said.

"I figured, he really does love her. I'll stay here for the night myself in case anything happens. It's only the first night, and even though she's stable I still say the first 24 hours will be critical", Grisha explained.

"Agreed...I already let the school know of her absence. Grisha...are you sure that man has been arrested?", Carla asked seriously.

"Yes. He'll be going to prison for sure. Some police came in earlier to get a few photos of Mikasa for evidence, plus there were a lot of witnesses. He'll be charged for attempted murder, so he'll be in for life", assured Grisha.

"And his daughter?", asked Carla.

"She'll be living with relatives, but will be back in school in a few months", replied Grisha.

"She better not think of coming near Eren or Mikasa...", Carla growled.

"I would think she'd know better, but we best be prepared", said Grisha.

"When did Armin and Rubi leave?", Grisha asked then, noticing they were gone. "Actually only about 15 minutes ago", replied Carla.

In the neighborhood, Armin and Rubi walked home. "I'm assuming Eren won't go to school for a while, he won't leave her bedside", said Armin.

"Then we'll let the others know in school tomorrow what's going on...I just..can't believe someone could do that", Rubi growled.

"Neither can I...", admitted Armin. "It's cruel..Mikasa's going to be stuck with this for life. It's not just going to be hard on her physically, but emotionally", Rubi said worriedly.

"I know, she won't be able to take P.E anymore, and she loves that", Armin said sadly.

"This is my street...I'll see you in school tomorrow, yeah?", Rubi said. "Sure...and we'll go visit her tomorrow after", Armin nodded.

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