Chapter 26: Christmas Miracle

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Eren starred at Mikasa in complete horror and shock, he kept hoping this was just a really, REALLY vivid nightmare and he'd wake up.

But it wasn't. This was all too real. Their baby was going to be born tonight...two months prematurely.

"Eren...!", Mikasa suddenly cried, snapping him out of it. She could see how white he was, and knew he was starting to panic.

Eren blinked, snapping back to reality.

"Mikasa, are you sure?! Are you absolutely positive?!", he asked her, it was his last hope to grab onto.

"Yes...! I don't want to be...but I am!", Mikasa cried, urgently. She cried out then, gritting her teeth, as another contraction hit her hard.

"Okay! I'll call Rubi!", Eren instantly got up, and ran over to the dresser where he left his phone.

Mikasa stayed where she was, both hands clutching her swollen belly. She was breathing extremely heavily, already beginning to sweat.

The contractions were right on top of each other, and she was feeling unbearable pressure.

Eren hit Rubi's number on the phone, and waited anxiously.

"Rubi, pick up!", he said urgently, he sat beside Mikasa as it rang.

He took her hand with his free hand, and Mikasa instantly crushed it tightly, breathing rapidly.

Finally after 5 rings, Rubi picked up.

"E-Eren...?", she asked sounding extremely out of it.

"Rubi! Wake up! Mikasa's gone into labor!", Eren yelled urgently.

"W-What...?", Rubi suddenly processed it then.

"WHAT?! Now?!", she cried panicked, waking up instantly. Her heart sunk. Mikasa was only 7 months pregnant.

"Is she sure its not just fals-", Rubi started to ask.

"It's NOT false, Rubi!", Mikasa cut her off, hearing her on the phone.

"Oh God...okay, far apart are her contractions?", asked Rubi, because Eren sat by Mikasa, the girls could clearly hear each other without Mikasa holding the phone.

Before Eren could answer, Mikasa suddenly groaned in pain, doubling over slightly. At the same time, she gasped, feeling her water break.

This labor was moving so fast...too fast.

"They're right on top of each other...! And my water just broke...", cried Mikasa fearfully then, Rubi hearing her.

"What?!", Eren asked panicked, it just sunk in for him when Mikasa said the baby was coming now, she meant NOW. Right this very minute.

Rubi's heart sunk, as her eyes grew wide.

"Okay, I'll be over as fast as I can!", she said.

"H-Hurry!", Mikasa cried through gritted teeth, groaning in pain.

Eren nodded, he hung up, and he then froze. He looked out the window. The roads were still a sheet of thick ice, and the snow still fell.

"Shit...shit! The roads still aren't cleared?!", he panicked. Mikasa panted heavily, she gritted her teeth in pain, and groaned.

The pressure was unbearable at this point, and the contractions were nonstop.

She knew there was no way in hell Rubi would make it on time. Their baby wanted out, and now.

"E-Eren...Rubi's not going to get here on time...", she said then, fearfully and urgently.

Eren froze in panic, as he hurried back over to her, away from the window.

The Red String of Fate (An Eremika Fanfic)[Cut short 😭] [NOT MINE]Where stories live. Discover now