Chapter 14: The Birth Part Two

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Rain continued to pour outside, the streets were not as flooded but it was still quite dangerous to drive on them. However one car sped through very fast.

Water splashed from its tires onto the sidewalks.

The driver was Levi, it was around 6:30 in the morning and he had just got Eren's message.

"Damn it...I just had to have my damn phone silenced!", he growled, angry with himself.

"It's not your fault Levi...she's going to be fine", Petra assured him, she was in the passenger seat, and little Mamoru was in the car seat fast asleep in the back.

Levi drove a bit faster, the roads full of water when he suddenly had to slam on the breaks.

Armin was running across the street, and flinched back, freezing seeing the car had almost hit him.

"Shit, sorry Armin!", Levi got out then as he parked, while Petra got Mamoru.

"It's fine! I should have looked! You got the message too?", asked Armin, he had to practically yell over the sound of the heavy rain.

"Yeah, just now", replied Levi as he got the umbrella out, keeping his wife and son dry.

Inside, and upstairs Mikasa was still asleep. She hadn't dialated at all yet, which Rubi expected.

Eren was sitting at her bedside, watching over her, his eyes full of worry. Just then they heard the door open downstairs.

"That sounds like Armin or Levi", said Carla. "I'll go let them know what's going on", Eren kissed Mikasa's forehead, and went downstairs.

When he got into the living room, he saw Armin and Levi looked completely drenched. Petra was holding Mamoru, who was fast asleep.

"We just got your is she?", panted Armin.

"She's actually's still the really early stages", Eren offered them towels and gestured for them to sit.

"When will we know anything?", asked Levi anxiously, worried for his cousin as he dried his hair off.

"According to Rubi it's going to take a few hours before things start getting intense...", Eren replied.

"Makes's she doing though?", asked Petra worried as she sat down, holding Mamoru.

"She's doing okay so far, but its still the very early stages, nothing is going to happen for hours, so you guys are welcomed to sleep down here or get some food from the kitchen", Eren offered.

"And how are you doing?", Armin asked, looking at his friend worriedly.

Eren looked down, his eyes not hiding it.

"I'm scared to death...I don't want to lose either of them", he admitted shakily.

"Mikasa's very strong, we both know she'll be all right", Armin assured. "And so will the baby", added Petra.

"I hope so...I'll update you guys as much as I can", Eren said, he hurried back upstairs.

Eren returned into the bedroom, and went back to Mikasa's side. He took her hand, seeing she was still asleep.

"Who arrived?", asked Rubi. "Armin, Levi and Petra", replied Eren softly. "I'll go make them some tea", said Carla as she left.

By around 10 AM, the rain still poured outside.

Mikasa finally stirred, the contractions getting much too strong now for her to sleep through.

She grimaced in pain, as she woke up. "Mikasa...!", Eren looked at her, anxiously, seeing she was in pain.

The Red String of Fate (An Eremika Fanfic)[Cut short 😭] [NOT MINE]Where stories live. Discover now