Chapter 23: The Big News

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It was dark in a certain house on the street. Pitch dark, despite it being morning. The letterbox was overfilled with two months worth of mail.

The dishes were completely undone and long curtains covered every window. Laying in bed was Levi, as he starred up lifelessly at the ceiling.

He was so lost in his own thoughts, he only glanced slightly hearing his doorbell ring.

"Shit...what time is it..?", he glanced seeing it was 11 AM.

Levi sighed as he got out of bed, and went to the front door. He opened it, to his cousin.

"Mikasa...?", he said, she looked angry.

"What the hell Levi?! I've been trying to call you for two whole months! I was about this close to reporting a possible suicide!", she yelled.

"Sorry...", Levi simply said, his voice hoarse. When was the last time he spoke at all?

"That's it?! Where's Mamoru?", demanded Mikasa.

"He's with Hanji...", replied Levi simply.

Mikasa sighed. "Let me in, we need to talk", she simply said. "This place is a mess, we'll talk downstairs in the Tea shop...", Levi said.

Mikasa looked at him. He was extremely depressed, if he didn't even think about cleaning. That just wasn't like Levi.

Levi was a total clean freak, this was so unlike him. It really showed on a scale just how depressed he was.

"Okay", Mikasa sighed. The two cousins went down to the dusty but mostly clean Tea shop, which hadn't been used in two whole months.

Mikasa went behind the counter, and made some Hot Tea. She wiped off a thick layer of dust with a cloth, as Levi sat down, still in his pajamas, dark circles under his eyes.

"How's the family?", asked Levi, his tone lifeless.

"We're okay. Carly's going to be 5 soon. Eren and I are trying for another baby...", Mikasa filled the mugs, and sat down across from Levi.

"Levi, you can't keep going on like this. You have a son, a son who needs you", Mikasa said firmly.

"You think I don't know that? Every time I close my eyes, I see her face...just...", Levi tensed.

"Why? Why Petra?! She didn't hurt anyone! She was a good person...", Levi growled.

" this day I still ask God why my parents were taken away from me...I'll never get over what I saw that night. Never. But...I found something to give me the courage to move on, and that something was Eren, and my daughter. YOU have a son! A son who lost his mother...he can't lose his father too..", Mikasa said softly.

Levi didn't say anything, his eyes very grim.

"How long...did it take you to...well...function?", he asked then. Mikasa bit her lip, looking down.

"A few months...naturally. Like I said before, I was so traumatized by it that I would break into violent nightmares. So violent, the ambulance would be at our house almost every week, since Eren thought I was having a seizure...", replied Mikasa.

"When...when did these violent fits stop?", asked Levi.

"It simply took time...Eren slept with me every night. He missed lots of school to stay with me. I was extremely clingy back then, and lost it if Eren wasn't near me. He couldn't even go to another room without me...", Mikasa looked out the window softly, she couldn't help but think back to that first night...


A nine year old Mikasa sat on the sofa in the Jaeger home, Eren beside her, rubbing her back.

The Red String of Fate (An Eremika Fanfic)[Cut short 😭] [NOT MINE]Where stories live. Discover now