First Date Syndrom

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Of course when I told Kat the dress code for my date today she shook her head. "There's no such thing." She says. "She's right, there's either cute or casual. Never both." Lucy says agreeing. I just sigh like they're insane and then show them what I originally planned to wear. It was simple but cute to me. A pair of leggings, a nice floral top and my toms. Of course they shot that down and Kat went into her closet and came back with a tan cardigan and blue v-neck. It was actually really simple. Yet I guess cute. I slipped the clothes on then Kat once again did my makeup. My hair was at its natural today but Kat decided that I should braid it. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I took a double take before looking for my bag. My bag was cute just a simple black with fringe. Nope that didn't work for Lucy. Lucy let me borrow her blue purse. I was all ready with just about an not even 5 minutes to kill. There's the doorbell. I open the door and Liam stood with a bouquet of Red Roses. "You look beautiful." He complimented me. "You don't look so bad yourself. Come in while I find a vase for these." I say shuffling towards the kitchen. "Thirsty?" Kat says leaning into the fridge. "Nope I'm good." Liam politely denies. Lucy takes my roses and shoos me off. "Have fun but not to much fun! Know your limits or use protection!" Lucy and Kat scream

in unison causing Liam and I to laugh. We walked out the door out fingers already entwined and Reached his pickup truck. He opened the door and helped me in. Then went to his side and we were off. He held my hand while driving. I flipped through radio stations and looked through his CD's. "You like the Killers?" I asked sounding enthused. "Who doesn't love the song Mr Brightside?" He says. I smiled widely. "It's my favorite." I say as the CD begins playing. I sang along with the radio laughing a little at how horrible I probably sounded. "So where are we going?" I asked curiously. "It's a surprise babe." That made my heart melt. My heart can't handle the pressure of that word. 'Babe.' My ex. The douchebag used to call me that all the time. Then he stopped and until now nobody has really called me it. "Can I at least have a clue?" I asked him. Liam smiled like always. "No need we're here." He says as he stops in the middle of a forest preserve and jumps out the truck. I open my side and follow along. He opens the trunk and lays down a blanket then pulls out a basket. "Picnic in a pickup." He says. "That's original." I say. "Thank you comes from the heart." He says patting his chest. I sit down next to him and we begin eating our sandwiches. "Well since you're not really from Jersey where are you from?" He asked curiously. "I just moved from California but I was born in Tennessee." I say honestly. "That explains the slight accent." He says jokingly. "What accent?" I didn't know I had an accent. "It's slightly southern, but mixed with California." He says. "Hm says the Jersey boy." I retort. He shrugs. "Born and raised." He proudly stands up causing me to giggle. "That's cute." "Well Mari, do you live with your parents?" He asked. Ouch my heart just pounded. "Uh. Just my mom. My dad uh he passed when I was 6. Well when Kat and I were 6. Car crash. Drunk driver crashed into him on his way home for my mother's and his anniversary. It was back in Tennessee which is the main reason we left." I said honestly. Liam looked hurt, did he actually care or was I crying unknowingly? He held my cheek and caressed it with his thumb. "I'm sorry for your loss." He says genuinely sounding like he cared. Not just feeling bad but feeling what I felt. I hugged him tightly trying not to cry and he lightly drew circles with his finger on my back. We pull apart and he digs in the basket pulling out a bottle of sparkling apple juice. That made me smile. He popped the bottle and poured some into little plastic red cups and we cheered to that. "To new friends." "More than friends." I finished with a wink. We both laughed. Then we packed the basket and went for a walk through the forest. We stopped when we reached a lake and inhaled the beauty. We sat on the ground and stared at the lake skipping rocks and dipping our feet. It was silent but comforting. I leaned my head on his shoulder and started humming random songs. "This is perfect." He mumbles, which was true nothing could be more perfect. Until it started raining. Down pouring to be exact. We were soaked within seconds and had to run back to the car. We ran as fast as we could and once we reached the car Liam pulled me into his arms and kissed me passionately and longer than the first. It really is perfect. "My girl." Two simple words and I was his. Perfect. Beyond Perfect. Is this what lust feels like?

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