daddy's princess

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November 15th. Daddy and Mom's anniversary. Also, now 12 years since dad's passing. They would've been together 22 years today. Flashbacks flooded my mind. The night before dad passed he was telling me about everything he was going to do for mom. He showed me where he kept the necklace he was going to give her. Me being 6 and loving everything shiny awed at the beauty.
Daddy hugged me and told me I was his special baby girl. That if it wasn't for mom he wouldn't have me or Kat. Kat sat at the edge of the bed beside me smiling like an innocent angel. I was his princess and Kat was his angel. Mommy was the queen of angels. Mommy crept up the stairs and dad quickly hid the necklace in a box under the bed. Mommy walked in through the door. Daddy kissed her passionately, Kat and I looked disgusted and they laughed at us for being adorable. "Time for bed my sweeties." Mommy sounded happy. She tucked us into bed and kissed our foreheads. "Good night, sweet dreams." She turned out the light. Kat and I whispered in the dark. "Can you believe what daddy got mommy? It's so pretty." Kat said cutely. I squealed. "It's so sparkly." I said.
*Flashback next day*
"Goodbye my little babies." Daddy crept into mine and Kat's room before heading to work. It was only 5:30a.m but he had to be there early. I heard and mumbled "I love you, see you at 3." Cause that's when he'll pick us up. Kat and I woke up to get ready for school. Mommy was happy and so were we. We ate breakfast together and then mommy drove us to school. Kat and I were in first grade. Class went by, we colored and read books. I talked to my friends and they were all happy like me. 2:30 came around. "Mari, we have your sister Kat in the office, we need you." The teacher told me. I followed her to the office and seen Kat in the chair. I sat next to her. The principle came in crying. Why wasn't the principle happy? Did we do something bad? "Mari, Kat. I'm so sorry. Your mom just called. Your dad got into a car crash." The principle choked up. Kat and I looked at each other confused. "A car crash? Is daddy okay?" Kat said clueless of what happened. I was also clueless. Mommy walked in and dragged us out. Mommy was crying to. She drove us to the hospital. Daddy was in a bed. His eyes weren't open. He must be sleepy is all I thought. Mommy held his hand and whispered things. "Chris come back." She cried out. The doctor came in, mommy cried even more. Then daddy mumbled something. "I love you all." Then a beeping sound. Mommy couldn't control herself. Auntie Aubrey pulled Kat and I out. She was also crying. Kat and I cried to. "Girls, Im so sorry." Auntie cried. "Your dad has died." Kat and I knew what dead was but Kat still asked. "Can he come back?" That made Auntie cry even more, uncontrollably. "He's gone forever." FOREVER? "FOREVER?!" Kat and I cried in unison. We knew what just happened. Kind of. Daddy was gone. Forever.
*Present day*
Mommy laid in bed all day. Tissues at her side. A picture in her lap. "I miss you Chris." She cried. Daddy's name. She still misses him like Kat and I do. I tried not to cry. I walked in and hugged mom. She clutched the picture. I handed her the box that dad never got to give her. "Happy anniversary mom." She took the box and wiped her tears. She opened the box. There was a note inside? I don't remember seeing a note. Kat was at the edge of the bed again. Just like she was the day before the accident. "I love you forever, my queen angel. We'll be together forever. You're forever the best thing to happen to me, besides our girls." Mom cried and I held her close. Kat held her other side. We both cried with mom. Lucy came in and it turned into a group hug of crying women. Cause that's what we all were. No longer baby girls. But little women. Mommy's little women. Mom asked me to put the necklace on her which I gladly did. "I love you all, and I love your dad. Always have, always will." My heart broke a little. Daddy's gone forever. My fault though. If only he didn't rush to pick us up that day. He would've been okay. He would've still been alive and we all would've been happy. All my fault. I'm so sorry. "Mom, I'm so sorry." I said she looked at me in distraught. "Baby, why are you sorry?" "It was my fault." Then mom cried even more. "Honey it wasn't your fault. It wasn't Kat's either. It was an accident caused by another unknown man. Don't worry. He's happy and we should be happy to. Which is why I'm sharing my wedding anniversary with my three prides and joys." She finished as she pulled out four tickets to Tennessee. Kat, Lucy and I looked at each other with shocked filled watery eyes. Daddy here we come to visit.

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