Broken Wings

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I watched as Marilyn laid there. Lucy was crying next to me. It's been like this every day since. It's been 2 weeks. Almost Christmas. It would be a Christmas Miracle is she woke up. Liam was in the corner. Each day he looked more and more torn apart. I knew how he felt. He was losing hope, everyone was. Who wouldn't though? She was basically dying. I just hope she's happy. I hope she's dreaming of wonderful things. Maybe her possible future, college, children, and love. Just like I used to dream about. I had them, I still have them. Now they're all grown, and Chris is gone. Once they leave I lose everyone. Oh Marilyn come back. Roses surrounded her, red, white, and a few violets. Liam brought a few teddy bears and movies. Lucy brought sweaters. Kat didn't know what to bring. Kat has only been here 5 times in 2 weeks. She's breaking apart and blaming herself. How could it be her fault, she wasn't even there? What was happening? Lucy needed out of the room. Since Dylan was on tour with his band, she was alone. I held her hand and slowly led her out. Liam made his way towards one of the chair and took a seat. "Just bring my baby back." I choked out weakly. Then Lucy and I were gone. Kat was in the waiting room, she just couldn't go in the room. She was to scared.
Still waiting for her to come back. She's breathing just barely. I held her hand in mine, hoping she'd wake up. Hoping to feel her warmth again. Nothing happened though. Her eyes wouldn't even flutter, her fingers didn't twitch. I got out of the chair and pulled my hair. "THIS IS ALL MY FAULT." I screamed. "No it's not. Shut up." I heard a faint whisper. I turned my head as fast I could. I must be hearing things. Then I noticed Kat in the doorway. Her arms were folded across her chest and her eyes looked dead. She was alone this time, Carter wasn't attached to her. I turned my head back to Marilyn and sat back down. Kat sat next to me, we were at the foot of her bed. We sat there silently. "It's my fault." Kat mumbled. I shook my head. "How?" I asked. She looked at her twin and held back her tears. "The night before, she cried in my arms and then she passed out. I should've stayed in the room with her, then she wouldn't have ran out like that." Tears escaped Kat's eyes. "I was in the tree with her though.." I mumbled. Kat turned her head slightly. "She did it on purpose." She said. I felt my heart tear open even more. Why would she try to do this? "She's right." Another voice was in the room. Kat turned her head just as fast as I did. Marilyn laid there, still not moving but her eyes were open. "I'm tired." Marilyn mumbled. "You've been asleep two weeks. How are you tired?" Kat choked out a laugh. "You both look like you haven't slept in two weeks." Marilyn smiled, as if nothing happened. The doctor came in. "She's awake..?" "What's up doc." After all this time Marilyn was still the same. It was almost like she didn't care what happened. The doctor walked out probably to call Marilyn's mom. Soon enough Lucy came in with chocolate and Cait followed behind. "Oo food!" Marilyn screamed. Lucy sat on the bed next to her. They sat there eating chocolate and talking. Then I heard my name. "Hey dollface, gonna leave me hanging?" She held out her hands. I took her hand and entwined our fingers. The doctor came back in. "Well she can go home, as soon as we finish this paperwork." He said. Marilyn smiled. "Thank god." Cait mumbled. "Take it easy." He said before walking out. I winked at Marilyn causing her to laugh. Marilyn sat up and groaned. "Cramps." She mumbled and stretched her legs. I smiled weakly.

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