Typical Tuesday

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Sure it's Tuesday night and I have an essay due in the morning. Sure that essay was assigned two weeks ago and I have two sentences. Am I going to finish it in time? I have no clue. I should get back on that. Yet here I am, in my underwear. Jamming to my favorite songs on rewind. There may or may not be a little blonde girl screaming lyrics also. Totally not me. Lucy is sleeping downstairs again. She came home hungover Sunday, stayed home Monday, and is now recovering on the couch in the living room. Her and Dylan are having a little to much fun. Wait did I say a little? The weird part is, Lucy woke up yesterday and today puking. I wonder if she really is sick? Maybe she just drank way to much. Wait did she even drink? She's been tired a lot. I don't think Lucy drinks. So no she wasn't hungover when she came home Sunday. She was just really grumpy and mean. Kat and Carter have been normal, just some dates, not sure about their behind the bedroom door life. That's just weird. I don't want to even know. Moving on..Max has been what my life has revolved around. My little baby is growing so fast. Yesterday I taught him his first trick, he now knows how to lay down on command. He loves Liam though, whenever Liam comes over, Max jumps in his lap and cuddles against him. Kinda like his mom. JOKING. Wait no I'm not. Max jumps off Liam's lap and I flipped through channels in the room. Liam sat impatiently shaking his legs then groaned. "Dude what the fuck quit moaning." I mumbled. Liam groaned again. "Let's go see a movie, my treat." I looked at him in confusion. "I have no pants on." I said laughing. Liam stood up and went into my closet. "Here." He said throwing my sweatpants at me. He grabbed his keys off my desk and picked me up. "I look like shit." I mumbled as he dragged me down the stairs. Liam sighed. "SHUT THE FUCK UP." Lucy screamed when we approached the couch. Then Liam slammed the front door and drove off towards the movie theater. "Liam what're we even seeing? It's fucking 10p.m and we have school tomorrow." I groaned like he did. Liam laughed. "We're seeing Mockinjay and skipping school." That makes everything better, asshole. "Extra time for my essay." I said sarcastically. "That's the spirit." he said before parking the car. He paid for the tickets and snacks then we headed into the theater. Girls and even more girls piled everywhere. Liam and I sat towards the back, reclined our chairs and he wrapped his arm around me. I cuddled closely as possible to him and rested my head on his shoulder and my hand in the popcorn bowl. We watched the movie and a lot of girls kept awing and laughing or crying. It was a weird theater. Or maybe just these people. Either way Liam liked the movie and so did I. He kissed my cheek and I began to feel tired. He carried me out of theater and to his car where I ended up dozing of. Dreaming of him of course. My best worst nightmare.

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