ghost in the graveyard

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The sky was a depressing gray, suitable for a day like this. I decided to dress nice, I wore blue because it was daddy's favorite. Daddy loved that I dressed simple when I was little unlike Kat who always dressed like a princess. I had my blue converse and scarf, my black leggings, and white v-neck. I went before everyone else to the grave, Mitchie came with me though when she noticed me sneaking out. She got on top of Brooklyn and I walked Brooklyn and here to the graveyard. It was about a mile walk but Mitchie kept me company. She sat there singing little songs and petting Brooklyn. When we arrived I tied Brooklyn to a tree and Mitchie held my hand as we walked to his tombstone and sat in front of it. Mitchie pulled some violets from her pocket and laid them there. She sat on my lap and stayed quiet. "Talk he can here you. He's ready to listen." Mitchie gave me a reassuring talk. So I listened to her and told dad a story. "Daddy, remember when you told me my prince was soon to come? You were right. I finally found him. He's perfect just like you said he would be. He's the second person I think of when I wake up in the morning. The first is always you. He takes me to the cutest places and one day we're going to move back to Tennessee and start our own family and you'll meet him. I think he's the one. I hope he is. Tell me daddy is he? I love you and miss you everyday. I brought Mitchie with me. She told me how you guys talk." Mitchie gave my hand a squeeze when she noticed tears escape my eyes. Then she started talking. "Uncle Chris. Princess Marilyn is the best thing to happen to me so far. I'm glad she's your daughter. She really is as pretty as a princess, she also treats me like a little one. I wish she could stay with me forever. I know she has to go back though. You'll always tell me stories though. I know you watch her still, everything you said us true about her. Kat also, they'll all be coming later. Mari and I got a head start in case you were wondering." Then Mitchie and I heard footsteps. We turned our head and everyone else stood there. I turned back to the tombstone and seen dad looking at me smiling. The same smile he always gave me. Then Mitchie smiled to at him. I knew she seen what I seen and she just kept holding my hand. I felt and seen dad right there. He's always here. Mitchie even knew that. Nobody else seen him though. Mom and everyone else looked clueless. "Hi Marilyn." Daddy said. "Hi daddy." I said back. "Tell Kat to look at me." Daddy told me. "Kat look at daddy. Mommy look he's here." Kat and Mom turned to the tombstone and so did Aunt Lizzy and Uncle Barry. Their eyes lit up and they all smiled. "Hello Chris." Mommy said. "Hi Cait." Dad stood up and was now right in front of mom. Mom seen and she looked happy like she did when he was alive. Dad laid his hand on her shoulder and mom began to cry. Then dad faded away. He went back sitting on the tombstone. He waved to me. Then looked at Mitchie and smiled before fading off. Mom cried and I got up to hug her. "He still loves you." I said hugging her tightly. "I know Mars, I know." She squeezed me. Kat then hugged the both of us. Mitchie went behind Kat. Then Lucy. It turned into a family hug. I looked at the tombstone one last time and daddy was there again smiling and I knew he was happy. He's always here. Always has been always will be. I wasn't lying to him when I said I would move back. After college in New York. I'll be back. I'll have my ranch and start my new family. I know daddy will be proud. Mommy will be to. Everyone's smile was there and everyone seen dad. Even Lucy noticed him. I seen her whisper a hello to him. She looked to him like she actually knew him. Which must be true. I wonder if they've ever talked. They probably have. I was just glad mommy and him still loved each other like before.

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