Jersey Girls Night

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"Girl's night!" Kat bluntly plans. "What's the occasion?" I ask sarcastically. Kat throws a pillow at me which hits Lucy in the face. This turns into the basic pillow fight. Popcorn and pillows fly everywhere. Screaming emerges and then mom stumbles in. "Hey girls, you guys okay?" She asked quietly. We all paused and dragged her into the fun. "Watch out mom i say jumping in front of her as Kat throws a pillow. Mom laughs which is enlightening. The sparkle in her eye shows for a second like a distant memory. Kat catches the moment with me and then we all smother her in a group hug. "Mom we love you." We all say in unison. Mom squeezes us tightly. "Thank you girls. You're all my baby girls." She says with a smile. She kisses our cheeks goodnight and we kiss hers back. She then closes the bedroom door and heads downstairs. "Did you see that?" I say practically crying of happiness. "It was almost like the old days." Kat says. Lucy looks confused but she understands. "Mom really is beautiful." Lucy says. Not even her own blood but she treats her like it. I begin crying and we all sit in a circle. "Mari, how's Liam?" Kat asked with a wink. I giggled. "He's perfect. How's Carter?" "Carter is utterly perfection. Our date was so romantic. Just like my dreams." Of course Kat was a hopeless romantic. I could see Lucy wanting to spill her beans so she did. "Dylan kissed me!" She screams excitedly. Kat and mine jaws drop. "Lucy you little shit! how come you didn't tell us?!" I scream at her. She just breaks out into a laughing fit. "It was adorable and unexpected." Lucy was just a romantic. I guess I was more of a comedic romantic. "That's perfect!" Kat screamed with Lucy. I sat in the circle looking at my two sisters. Who were laughing at their love lives together. My phone began ringing. "Hey babe, how's girls night?" Liam asked cutely. "Typical they're talking about their love lives. How's guys night?" "Same Dylan and Carter won't shut up about Kat and Lucy." "That's so cute!" "Am I on speaker?" "Girls say hi!" Liam laughs and Lucy continues talking to Kat. "Well I got to go. Pizza has arrived. Bye babe." "Bye dollface." Then I hangup. "Who wants chinese?" "I'll order!" Lucy says picking up her phone and calling for chinese "should be here in about half an hour!" She says hanging up. "That was fast what did you order?" "All the chinese chicken you can think of and egg rolls. Fortune cookies for luck to!" Lucy says enthused. I high five her and she smiles falling onto the ground again pulling a box full of pictures and nail polish out from her bed. "Remember these?" She says showing me

pictures of the three of us when we were younger. Kat laughs. "Aw Mar your pigtails were adorable!" "Says little miss Annie wannabe!" Kat slaps me and Lucy just laughs. "Wow aren't you nice? it's a hard not life already!" Saved by the bell. I ran downstairs and grabbed the food. Yum chinese food is the best. We pig out and pass out watching our favorite movie 'Friends with Benefits.'

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