Mars isnt that far away

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"I'm going to Tennessee next week." I blurted out to Liam. His eyes shrank and his arms tightened around me. "You're leaving me?" He sounded like a five year old. I shrugged. "Only for a couple of weeks to visit family and dad's grave." "You can't leave me." Liam sounded hurt. It was only a couple of weeks what's the big deal? "We'll Skype everyday and I promise to call you before I fall asleep and tell you about my day and how much I miss you." "That's still such a long time." I felt like laughing this was so cute. Liam couldn't bare to let me go. I guess I would miss him but I miss my family too. This whole trip will be good for me. Maybe life changing. I'm just glad this is actually happening. Lucy was in our room packing for the trip so I decided to do the same. I put my clothes in one of the bags. Cardigans, leggings, tshirts, pajama shorts, combat boots, beanies. I was ready. We still have to finish this week though. It's Sunday and we leave Thursday night. I don't think I've ever been so ready. Mine and Lucy's passports laid on the desk along with our tickets. Kat stormed into the room. She sat on the bed and starting bouncy anxiously. "We should skip school tomorrow. The three of us. It will be the best." Kat suggested, I shook my head. "We can't we're already missing Thursday and then the two weeks after that." I retorted, Kat frowned and began whining. "It's Monday tomorrow. It's already 11:30pm right now." Kat had a point but I shook my head. She sighed really loudly, it's not the end of the world. She made everything seem like that though. Drama queen Kat is back. Lucy was trying hard not to laugh at how dramatic Kat was being. Kat looked annoyed, even though she was the annoying one. She stormed out of the room and Lucy bursted out laughing. I laughed with her it was just priceless. I sat on my bed and tried to stop laughing as Lucy wouldn't. She sat on her bed and just took a deep breath. "Holy shit her dramatic side never gets old." Lucy said before laughing again. I had to agree. We had another laughing fit until Lucy passed out randomly. She just stopped laughing and then a quiet snore filled the silence. I fell asleep right after she did.
-Next morning-
OKAY MAYBE KAT IS RIGHT. I HAVE NO MOTIVATION TO MOVE. I checked my phone. 26 notifs from Liam. I opened the text and read through some of them. I threw my phone back on the bed not really wanting to reply. I picked out my clothes. Baggy shirt, messy bun, and leggings. I threw on my high top converse and grabbed the keys. Lucy followed not far behind me eating an apple. Her hair was fishtailed and she had a floral crop top and grey leggings. Of course she looked utterly perfect. "KAT!" I screamed into her room. No answer. I guess she's just staying home alone. Since mom was on her work shift. Lucy and I headed out the door. I started the engine and we were off to hell. I mean school. Liam greeted me and I pulled off a shy smile. He still seemed jumpy about me leaving. I tried to play it off. Lucy went directly to Dylan and he complimented her with a nice kiss on the cheek before they walked off hand in hand to class. Liam kissed my nose and told me he'd see me later. I slammed my locker and headed towards class. I just wanted it to be Thursday already. Not that I wanted to leave Liam behind. I just wanted to see dad. Speak to him. I haven't done that in forever.
-Thursday morning-
Mom is rushing, Kat is jumping. Lucy is sleeping. Am I the only one acting somewhat normal? Mom packed the bags into the car, did last minute checks, then she got ready. Kat was on the phone with Carter saying she'd miss him and that when she got back she'd have a surprise for him. OKAY GROSS I DIDNT WANT TO HEAR THAT. Unless she meant something different. Didn't sound like it though. Well that's her life. I really don't care. I just didn't want to know. Lucy woke up and yawned. She did some stretches and threw on random clothes. I did the same. We decided to sit in the backyard on the swing. "Mar, I know I never knew your dad. Yet at the same time, I know he was always here." I just smiled. "Dad was awesome, he would've loved you. He probably does love you. You're a Lynne. You always have been. Lucille Claire Lynne." She gave me a hug. Her eyes filled with tears. "I love you so much Mar." She said tears fell down her cheeks. I squeezed her tightly. "Let's go fagots." Kat ruining the moment as always. Lucy and I stood up. We piled into the car and were off to the airport. I'm so glad Lucy's seat is next to mine cause I don't think I'd be able to survive this trip if it wasn't. We watched movies on the little TV on the seats. Mean Girls was on. Lucy and I quoted every line. Kat looked annoyed, permanent bitch face. I laid my head on Lucy's shoulder, at least we're landing soon. I can't wait. I really just want to have the best time I can. This experience will be good, especially with my best friend by my side. "Ya know Mar, you make Mars seem reachable." That was cheesy Lucille. "Yeah Lucy and your head is always in the skies." She laughed because she knew what I meant. "This is why you're my best friend Mars." "Thanks Lucy."

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