School Sucks

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Lucy, Kat and I all set our alarms for 5:30am. Yeah that's right school is back and today's our first day of senior year. I don't even feel like trying. I throw my hair into a braid, threw on a pair of leggings and my white v-neck. Kat's hair was at it's natural curl, she had on white shorts a pink crop top and a tan cardigan. Lucy wore tribal print leggings, a black v-neck and her hair was straightened. So basically I looked like a bum compared to the other two who are currently applying 'light' makeup. I had no makeup on. Not even lipgloss. I started packing my bag for school and looking for my keys. I found them and noticed Lucy and Kat were ready so we left early so we could get some Dunkin Donuts. We each got a caramel cappuccino. It's heaven erupting in my mouth. Then we head to school arriving just on time with everyone else. Every girl had on shorts like Kat. Every girl had caked on makeup. I swear just from walking in I've seen to much. Lucy and Kat drag me into the dean's office. "Hello you girls must be the new Lynne's." The blonde lady who looked close to 45 greeted us with our schedules. She then showed us through the door and told us that someone would show us around. "Well I already want to leave." I say like it's the end of the world. "It can't be that bad." Lucy tries to comfort me. I just shrug. Random people come up to the three of us. Some laugh a few say hello. Then three stop. "Which one of you is Kat?" The blonde blue eyed big boobed fake asks. Kat raises her hand weirdly and the blonde giggles. "You're pretty, let's go." The blonde leads Kat to class leaving Lucy and I behind. Another girls steps up brunette brown eyes light makeup she almost look normal. Whatever normal is. "Lucille?" Lucy steps forward. "That's me." "Great c'mon." There goes Lucy. I wonder if anyone will show me around. I look at my schedule. I have creative writing first with Mr McGarret. "Hey sorry I'm late you must be Marielle." "It's Mari." She laughs and I smile. "Pretty." "Thanks." The blonde leads me upstairs and into a class. "Oh by the way I'm Alexa." She says before we take our seats. "Alright class, it's your first day of senior year. make or break. I want you to write about yourself. Your life story, your insecurities, your struggles." Mr McGarett assigns. I chew down on my lip this assignment will be shit. "You can start now and it's due tomorrow." He finishes. Wow homework on the first day. I already hate this class. I begin writing my paper. First sentence: My life has been hell. My dad died when I was six. My mom is depressed. My best friend is in recovery. My twin sister and I have no faith in society anymore. I'm insecure about everything. My struggle is waking up everyday when I fall asleep wishing never to wake up again. Etc. I think we get it. Class ends I barely put a dent into this stupid assignment but Alexa is dragging me out and to the next class. Seriously AP algebra? Can't wait to fail this shit. Ms Clara does role call and we do warm up problems. This isn't so bad. Lunch is next and I hope I see Liam. I haven't seen him once yet. His sparkling eyes and perfect smile. I space out just thinking of him before class ends. I practically run to the Cafeteria cause that's the only place I know and catch Dylan next to Lucy. Kat next to Carter. Where's Liam? He's probably coming. I sit with my friends and sister while eating my lunch. Liam doesn't come in and I begin to worry. "Oh Mari, Liam should be here soon. He's probably just stuck in Biology." Dylan reassures me. "Oh I have that next." I sigh. "So do I!" Carter says. "I'll show you up." He offers. I nod and thank him along with Kat. Then Liam walks in. "Oh so Carter gets to escort my girl to class before I can?" Liam says jokingly and Carter sticks his tongue out. "Lucy bastard." Liam finishes while sitting down next to me. He chows down on his sandwich while I finish my carrots. "Hey these carrots match Lucy's hair!" Dylan jokes and Lucy smacks him. "Not funny dillhole" Lucy says sounding offended. We all laugh. I guess lunch will be the only part of today I like. Cause the next three classes are fucking hell. More assignments pile on. Ew I hate this school already. Liam waits up for me and drives me home since Kat has my keys. I love being alone with Liam. It's the best feeling in the world. Especially after leaving Hell.

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