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soulmates are matched together when two people are born on the same date and same time. everyone has a soulmate. maybe you might never meet yours. maybe you already have. no matter what, you have one out there.


a child of the sun is born. 12-7-95. 6:47 am.

a child of the moon is born. 12-7-95. 6:47 am.



the sun and moon were never allowed to have a relationship of any sort. they could only see each other in business related meetings. their rules were strict. they had been followed for years.

they met. they couldn't get enough of each other.



josh's hands traveled up his chest, pulling him close. his body was golden- warm, calm energy surrounding the two. tyler was dark- a deep blue and purple swirled together, dotted with sparks of josh. his darkness contrasted josh completely, but he knew they were meant for each other.

"are you ready?" tyler asked, taking josh's hands in his own and lacing them together.

josh nodded, and tyler squeezed his hands, and josh felt a sudden strength in his veins. he watched as the gold mixed with the dark blues and purples, swirling around inside him.

he shut his eyes, bowing his head and taking a deep breath as he felt the dark travel around his body.

he opened his eyes, and tyler watched as his usual light hazel color changed to a dark blue. this was his favorite part. josh exhaled, a wisp of blue escaping his lips before he pulled tyler close to him again and kissed him.

they were alone. their fathers would never approve of them together. they met in private, at night, in the garden that was in between their sectors. josh should've been sleeping. he didn't really like to sleep, though. he likes tyler. he loves tyler. tyler loves him.

tyler's fingertips were beginning to stain yellow and gold from josh's skin. he liked it like that- josh's marks on his skin. it made him feel special.

he placed his hands on josh's cheeks as he kissed him, leaving blue marks that stayed for a few moments before fading.

their breathing was even and slow, holding each other in their arms as their lips moved in sync. tyler took their hands and intertwined them again, josh pushing him against the brick wall they were next to.

they did this almost every night. sneak out, find each other, and stay with each other for as long as they could.

josh's lips moved down tyler's dark skin, leaving golden marks wherever they touched if they were there for too long.

tyler groaned when he accidentally scraped his arm against the bricks. josh stopped for a second to watch as his blood came to the top of the wound. thick gold liquid dripped out and down his arm, ending up in the grass and smeared onto the wall.

tyler looked up, a yellow glint in his eyes. "j- josh?" he said, his voice a little timid.

josh looked down. "yes, darling?"

he gulped. "what if someone- what if they see?" he was referring to the blood, which was going to get everywhere. "what- what if they put two and two together and figure it out?"

josh shook his head. "that won't happen, tyler. we'll be fine."

he grabbed his shirt that was on the ground, taking it and wrapping it around the other boy's wound. "that should help," he said softly, tying it off. "they won't find out, alright? we- we'll be together. we'll be fine."

(i may turn this into a real fic, but i doubt it. i can't find the motivation lately to write by myself; this was just an outburst of inspiration off a song.)

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