apple juice!

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this is a story about age regression . if that makes you uncomfy, please skip! i don't mind if you read or not, as long as you're comfy. tyler's gonna call josh daddy n be all soft, and act like a three year old, basically. if you don't like that don't read! alright thats all :)
tyler holds out his arms to josh, making grabby hands. josh, upon seeing this, chuckles and comes over to the small boy, picking him up from the counter. tyler, like always, wraps his legs around his waist and clings onto the bigger boy. he's about to walk to the living room when tyler exclaims, "stop, daddy!! i gotta get m' sippy!"

josh gasps. "i'm sorry, buttercup!" he backs up a few steps, and tyler grabs his ocean themed sippy, which was half filled with apple juice. he then clings back onto josh, and they start their adventure to the living room.

after going through the small dining room, and past their room, they make it to the living room, to the comfy couch. josh collapses down onto it, and tyler bounces on his stomach once when he does, making him giggle loudly. josh runs a hand through his hair and kisses his forehead. "do you wanna color, darling?"

tyler's face lights up. "yeah!"

josh carefully moves him off his stomach and they both move to the floor, and josh opens the coloring drawer, picking out a few coloring books, and their big collection of crayons. tyler takes a sip of his apple juice and picks out a lion king one, opening it to a random page and grabbing a purple crayon. josh smiles softly and takes a 101 dalmatian coloring book, picking out a brown crayon and coloring his.

pretty soon, tyler is surprised when two little paws appears on his book. "mira!" he whines, but then smiles and picks the cat up, holding her in his lap. "dat's my colorin' book!"

josh look over at tyler and their cat, mira, setting his black crayon down and instead goes to just watching them. "did our little lady step on your book?" he asks the two, and tyler looks up, nodding. "on my book! wi'out my pa'mission!"

josh huffs. "mira's always getting into trouble." he watches tyler gently pat the grey cat, and then let her go. he then reaches over and kisses josh's nose. "i lub you, daddy," he says softly.

josh grins, pressing a kiss to tyler's forehead. "i lub you too, baby. so much."

he hugs josh then, making him fall back on the side of the couch, and both of the boys smile and laugh. right after, though, tyler yawns and leans his head against josh's chest.

"do you wanna take a nap?" josh asks him, gently running his fingers though his hair. tyler sleepily nods, making josh get up and pick up the sleepy boy. he takes him to their bedroom, where he helps him change into a yellow onesie with little rainbows on it.

"can i have a paci?" he asks, his voice soft as he starts to get in the covers. josh, of course, says yes, and picks out a blue one, letting tyler take it and start to slowly suck on it.

"have good dreams, ty," josh says softly, kissing his cheek. "i lub you."

"i lub you too, daddy," tyler mumbles, and drifts off to sleep. mira jumps up and snuggles next to him, and josh smiles to himself.

then he goes out, and cleans up little, and then goes back to their room, and carefully gets into bed with the two, falling asleep.

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