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here's to a new beginning. a new school, new friends, new life.
eunsang could've swore he spoke the same thing less than a year ago.

I DON'T GET why we're supposed to move schools again this year." the girl mutters under her breath, her glare reflecting upon the car's front rear did not fail to cut deep.

"i told you sweetheart, your brother simply got transferred into a new and better school."

"you mean he got kicked out."

eunsang turns to face the window, completely detaining himself out from the narrative. he has no interest meddling against his sister— it is easy to say that he finds no importance regaining his sister's favor. instead he gazes at the unfamiliar scenery, examining the place even if the chances of it being temporary goes unwary.

"he has his own essence, not all schools are able to accept him for who he is." his mother reasons warmly, he recalls it as the same reason why he got expelled from school the previous year. "you gotta admit that he's special, because i really do believe so."

"whatever his reason is, i don't get why i'm the one who gets dragged into this." she rumbles in dislike. "i'm a senior now! i'm going to college next year! i swear i was one of top candidates for seoul national university's medical school—"

"no you weren't." eunsang cuts off her sentence.

"i'm sorry?"

"you're never one of the top candidates when there's kim mingyu in the picture." he mumbles lifelessly. "in other words: you really had no chance."

"i agree with your brother." his dad points out.

"i— kim mingyu— ugh, i hate him so much." she huffs in resentment. "alright, whatever. but you're paying for my private tutors, all subjects!"

"yes sweetie, we know." his mother answers endearingly. "if there's anything else you'll be needing, please let us know."

eunsang sighs in disappointment. it's a burden to see his parents go full-on sky castle just to provide assurance for their problematic children.

"you're hoping too much from them, seungyeon-ah. do you really think a year without us there on curfew would change anything?"

seungyeon slowly massages his forehead with the tip of his fingers, trying to collect his thoughts. "i told you, i felt something. i know something's definitely off about this year. it might not be one from the new batch— maybe it could be a transfer— but whoever he is, he's of strong energy. i could feel him completely. because of his presence, the other x1 individuals who have been wandering the school premises are starting to become easier to detect."

"look, i'm really trying to believe you, i really do, but.." seungwoo sighs. "we did the best that we could back when we were still students there. do you really think one day could really solve everything..?"

"no." seungyeon answers. "but i believe one student can."

wooseok groans frustratedly. "you and your overwhelming confidence and optimism, that's what i really dislike about you."

seungyeon smiles. "jeez, wooseok-ah. you don't have to be so cold~"

wooseok shoots him a deadly glare. his hand drastically pierces ice cold, freezing the wooden table. "that was unnecessary."

"no, but it was cute seeing you get mad like that." seungyeon grins. "you should try freezing the floor, i've always wanted to try ice-skating."

"i would rather see seungwoo-hyung attempt to burn the school."

seungwoo blinks his eyes, amused. "wild thoughts, kid. i would never."

"please be rational, seungyeon. i know you got the money and all and you're able to do everything that you want, but!" wooseok walks along the classroom in circles, with his hand slowly forming  a small swirl of water. "know that this thing you're obsessing on? it won't affect you that much. i know you care about the people that are like us, i know—"

"it's our responsibility to make sure they're safe!"

"but maybe they don't wanna be discovered, you know?" wooseok says carefully. "maybe they're not like us, maybe they don't like exposing their powers to other people. we gotta respect their privacy."

"you think it's about me trying to pry into people's business? god no. it's about me trying to ensure their safety!" seungyeon bursts out. "it's either we find them first, or imnet finds them first. and let me tell you once they do get their hands on them, i don't think they'll come out alive."

"but we don't know that yet—"

"this is a threat to them, and also us. we got the biggest asset that could help us identify these individuals, one that imnet doesn't have."

seungwoo turns to him. "what?"

"me. and the new kid." seungyeon answers. "i'm the only one who can detect these things, it's called the seungyeon tingle."

wooseok tilts his head. ".. the seungyeon tingle?"

"yes. you got a better name?"

"no, the seungyeon tingle's fine." seungwoo replies with a smile.

"anyway, i know this new kid has his own aura, i could feel it. that's why i'm sure that us coming here today won't end up in vain." seungyeon continues talking with full confidence.

"and if it does?" seungwoo questions, glancing at him seriously.

seungyeon shrugs. "maybe i should start handling the small companies my dad has been begging me to take over. that'll make use of my highschool diploma."

seungyeon could feel uncertainty upon seungwoo. resentment on wooseok. though burdened, he still needs to keep going. he's close, very close to his target.

and he's not going to let go of him real soon.

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