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quite excited as to what'll happen next ~


the truth lies in seungyoun's hands,
the only problem is,
does he really want to know?

that wasn't just the only surprise visit daniel did that day.

because before he encountered eunsang over the pretty illuminations of aijewon street, he drove into the exclusive gangnam neighborhood earlier on, in the approach to set up a deal with someone who probably had him as the last person he'd want to see. regardless of the situation, he tries to stay calm. there wasn't much he could do, he just wanted to regain the latter's trust, that's all.

it was half past ten. daniel drops off at the remarkable cho mansion, hoping that the owner was more of a nightbird like himself. he steps into the terrace and clicks on the bell. he wasn't expecting for a warm welcome whatsoever, all he need was just a few minutes to explain himself.

expecting for a guard to come open the door, he was quite surprised to see seungyoun going out to take the door himself. just as he expected, he did not look enthralled by the sight of him. daniel immediately raises a voice to grab his attention. "before you close the door, i just want to say—"

"get in." seungyoun cuts him at short, leaving the door open wide for him to enter. "and open your shoes on your way in, i don't accept savages."

daniel blinks a couple of times to make sure what happened was real before entering. it seems like it wouldn't be quite hard for him to explain himself after all. he awkwardly sits on the sofa at what it seems to be some sort of a mini living room. seungyoun carelessly grabs a cold can of soju from his refrigerator as he sits across the latter, his expressions blank. he opens up the lid. "there's no reason for you to come here without any veiled intentions."

"you can read my mind, you tell me." daniel coos, not wanting to appear too much like a person who has given up.

"you're here to change my perspective, offering a solution." seungyoun places his head on the table. "but i think you forgot that i'm not the one in charge here, seungwoo-hyung is. so stop sulking and get in here hyung, wooseok-ah, you guys know your thoughts are easy for me to detect."

because they got called out, wooseok and seungwoo comes out behind the curtains, smiling curtly in defeat. daniel freezes at the sight of them. "they're here too? what are you, housemates?"

"we come as a buy one get three deal, man. you can't separate us." wooseok mentions slyly.

"what's with the late night visit, daniel-ssi? we were quite concerned of your sudden departure this morning." seungwoo points out with genuine concern.

"i had my errands." daniel answers vaguely as he turns back to seungyoun. "anyway, this isn't going to stop what i planned to do in the first place. seungyoun-ah, please don't filter me just yet. i know you know that i'm here of genuine intentions, and i know you know the memories i've been recalling in my thoughts about you and me together are true."

"seungyoun-ah," seungwoo heads towards the latter. "i think we should start become less objective and try to listen what the guy's trying to say."

seungyoun glares at seungyoun. "he still holds a grudge on me up until this day, do you really think he came with good intentions? i'm the one who's able to read his thoughts, hyung. not you. i know deep down he despises me, so that's why he's been trying to slow me down with the 'fake, heartwrenching past' scenario he dreads for me to believe."

seungwoo sighs, eradicated by seungyoun's strong belief. wooseok clicks his tongue. "you know you're being a massive know-it-all here, right?"

seungyoun turns to him dramatically. "i stand up for what i believe."

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