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strange invisible guy appears in the picture. meanwhile, seungyoun starts to grasp the powers eunsang actually has.

the moment his finger touches the ice, suddenly the figure of the person materializes, revealing the person beneath it.

".. what?"

wooseok sprints his way back outside, now bringing along seungwoo with him. "no i didn't do it on purpose, he was already there! and it's strange because he appears to be the invisible— what in the world."

his eyes grazes upon the sight of the boy appearing beneath the ice. his mouth falls wide open. "yohan?"

"you know him?"

"of course i know him, he's the annoying kid who keeps stealing my colored pens!"

wooseok and seungwoo heads closer to the frozen man, staring at him in awe. "what are you waiting for? unfreeze him!" eunsang chimes.

with a flick of a finger wooseok turns the ice back into water, seungwoo catching the boy's body before he could tumble to the ground. "he's the person i least expected of an x1," seungwoo mumbles bluntly as he carries the boy's body.

they made their way to the infirmary, making a very panicked seungyoun even more panic. "THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!"

that's how seungyoun ended up having to take away the pain of 2 people just in the last hour. he touches the boy's skin, sighing restlessly. "he's alright, though he might've gotten hypothermia if you didn't bring him quickly to me. that's must've happened because a specific someone decided that freezing people's brains would be a great idea."

"well it's not my fault that i've never encountered an invisible person before." wooseok snaps bitterly.

seungyoun grins. "you must have never meddled with ghosts before, then."

"nonsense. ghosts aren't real.. aren't they?" wooseok assures to himself, now feeling a bit quite uncomfortable.

"anyway, the kid's just in deep shock." seungyoun continues massaging the boy's upper limbs. "invisibility, and also teleportation. spent the last hours confused, i bet he's been invisible since he woke up this morning. i don't think he knows what's he's doing—"


"AHHH!" seungyoun backs away from the boy that suddenly starts screaming. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

yohan gets up, his stagnant eyes looking around his surroundings. "where am i? i'm not at the forest, am i? not in north pole? france? south africa???"

"hey dude, relax! you're in school now." wooseok approaches him, looking at him with concern.

yohan stares at them blankly, before he responds with an excruciating face. "HOW IS THAT ANY BETTER?!"

"easy now, buddy." seungwoo says calmly.

"i can't, i can't k-keep myself here, i just keep losing m-myself." yohan stutters, his whole body shaking.

"what do you mean you're losing yourself— dude, why are you flickering?!" wooseok shouts, patronized.

yohan's body starts to fade to nonexistence, yet again. opacity of his bewildered face starts to flicker. "i'm going to disappear again, i'm going to lose myself again, i'm going to— wait, is that red hair that i'm seeing?"

eunsang's eyes flutter, noticing that he's referring to him.

"am i at weasley's house?"

wooseok sneers "what are you talking about—"

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