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seventeen teen teen teen


at the moment eunsang decided to focus on his studies, something else might have already got in his way.

eunsang is quite surprised that he got called by his home teacher right on his third day.

and again, he receives a new personal record.

he glances over his surroundings, genuinely surprised that miss yumi in fact has her own room for herself. usually at his previous schools, teachers couldn't give him personal treatment anywhere except for the general teacher's room where they all are cramped into tiny individual box counters, that's why news of him getting scolded usually spread so fast— what happens at the teacher's room tend not to only stay at the teacher's room.

"eunsang-ah, are you bored?"

eunsang fiddles his fingers. "i'm sorry?"

"i heard news from the other teachers that you've been purposely skipping classes after lunchbreak, is there anything wrong?" miss yumi asks. "i'm truly very disappointed, eunsang-ah. i thought you wanted to change for the better once you got into the school, i thought you'd get rid of your bad habits."

"miss yumi, i —"

"has anything been bothering you? is there any other kids i have to scold just so you could feel comfortable with your class? has dongpyo been such a huge bother?"

"miss yumi, i'm fine." eunsang answers with a reassuring tone. "seriously, i've never been better. i'm sorry i haven't been active in some of the classes, some things have made me quite distracted but i can assure you, there's nothing to worry about."

"are you sure?"

eunsang nods.

"dongpyo's not bothering you?"

"... well, he still is, but i can cope with him."

miss yumi sighs. "fine. but just because i've forgiven you doesn't mean you can skip classes again, okay? i've been given warnings by the other teachers, so this is why i'm passing the warning to you. if you do that again, i'm forced to tell your parents. you wouldn't want that, right?"

eunsang shakes his head vigorously. "wouldn't want that at all!"

"hm, alright sweetheart, you're dismissed." she takes a deep breath. "thank god you decided to sign in for the physics olympiad team, at least you're passionate about something."

eunsang turns around. "wait, i signed up for what now?"

"the school's physics team. you signed up for it, right?"

"did i?" eunsang sneers. "well that's a first."

"miss soyou told me the ones who registered from our class, and i was delighted to see that you're one of them." miss yumi says with a smile. she was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking the door from the other side. "come in!"

a young teacher appears from the door, waving her hand intently. "yah, yumi-ssi, can you return the kid now? we have our first practice today and i don't want him to miss it."

"perfect timing, she's here." miss yumi stands up and pats eunsang in the shoulder. "good luck on your preparation, eunsang-ssi. i expect lots of things from you!"

eunsang nods a bit unsurely, as he heads back to miss soyou, who's now apparently his new physics olympiad trainer.

wait, how did he end up getting into the team again?

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