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it's the next day, and eunsang is quite shocked by how well hyeongjun is coping.

eunsang was actually surprised to see hyeongjun so early in the next day.

the boy looks more energized rather than traumatized. he immediately goes to see eunsang the first thing in the morning, greeting him first before eunsang even get to reach his classroom. that's how he end up getting dragged into the garden again, leaving no time for eunsang to at least say hello to junho first. hyeongjun looks delighted as ever; his body moves gracefully as he strides through the huge trees.

"hyeongjun-ah, are you alright?" eunsang asks calmly. his arm was starting to hurt because hyeongjun kept pulling it quite aggressively. "you're going too fast!"

"no, i'm perfectly fine! you're the one who's too slow!" hyeongjun whistles, his limbs thrown back and forth. "i've never been better!"

"you discovering your powers must have been a huge shock for you."

"yes, it was. you should've seen my face when i proceed on running even though i knew i was far enough away from you guys. it felt like i was teleporting, i ran so far to the point i had circled the earth around back to the same place!" he recalls excitedly. "after that, i started experimenting on my powers, trying to do new things. the world seems to move so slow now i inherit the ability to move as the speed of light."

"you seem to be coping well, though." eunsang coos.

"well, i don't see the reason why i should ponder it for too long," he mumbles. "i mean, after watching wooseok-senior shooting water balls at me, and seungwoo-senior defending himself with a fire shield, everything just seems to be possible now. i wouldn't be surprised if we get abducted by aliens any moment now honestly."

"well i guess i'm glad you're reacting to this well." eunsang smiles. "i thought you would've freaked out, because your face looked so shock the last time i saw you. i thought you were traumatized for life."

"of course i had my own time pondering for myself, but it didn't take long. i'm alright now." hyeongjun nods. "though i must say that i'm still kind of confused of how did i get this power and what exactly am i in the moment. i tried to find credible answers in google but everything that came out sounds so mythical. i came here because i'm hoping for an explanation from you."

"well, i wouldn't really be the best person to explain this to you because i also only knew this yesterday, but i'll just tell you the basics, okay?"

he says the things the trio told him earlier yesterday. how they have xyy dna, how they are called x1, the powers of each of them and what they're planning to do next. hyeongjun's eyes widen every time he points off something cool, like how wooseok turns things to ice when he's mad or like how eunsang's thoughts couldn't be read by seungyoun.

"so what exactly are your powers?"

eunsang shrugs. "other than the thing with seungyoun hyung, i'm not sure. it's strange because seungyoun hyung immediately knew yours after he lays his eyes on you, but he still has no idea what i am exactly."

the word 'hyung' feels weird in his tongue, perhaps it's because he has rarely used the word all his life. he never gets close to anyone other than his family, and apparently he has no one other than his mother, his father, and his oblivious sister. though he hasn't asked for their consent to call them hyung, he feels comfortable enough to do it himself, with or without them. they already talked much in the chat to the point he feels like he already knew them for ages.

"i'm sure you'll know it soon. perhaps it hasn't appeared yet or you need to kickstart it with something shocking." hyeongjun reasons, giving him a smile of reassurance.

"yeah, let's just hope so." eunsang nods. he somehow feels like that was the nicest way hyeongjun could put it— though he was an xyy, maybe eunsang wasn't as super as his other friends after all.

"so what should we do now?"

"well, seungwoo-hyung told us to wait," eunsang answers.

"wait?!" hyeongjun gets up on his feet. "i'm in my best state now but he's asking me to wait?!"

"well, i think they don't want us to cause any trouble before they get here—"

"eunsang-ah, do you know how much sleep i had yesterday?"

eunsang pauses. "i hope you had more than enough..?"

"i slept for only 15 minutes." he stomps his feet callously. "it's not because i had no time to sleep, it's because my body couldn't stop moving! resting my eyes for just a mere 15 minutes is enough to get through a whole day, and now you're asking me to wait in this situation? this is torture!"

hyeongjun plasters a frown on his face, folding his arms in dislike. eunsang sighs. "well, all i did was telling you what seungwoo-hyung asked us to do, i don't get why you have to be so bitter.."

"and how about now, aren't we supposed to find other x1 people?"

eunsang nods.

"do you happen to know any? you know, maybe because i've been here longer i could find more clues and ways to lure them, i suppose."

"kang minhee," eunsang says unsurely. he doesn't know whether he's allowed to say this to hyeongjun or not, but clearly he doesn't want to hide anything from him now that the latter trusts him this much. "and son dongpyo. but i feel like we'll be asking kang minhee for now."

"hm, minhee-yah? he's a kid in my class." hyeongjun mumbles. "do you happen to know what power does he have?"

"he controls air. creates wind. supposedly be able to fly—"

"he can fly?!" hyeongjun eyes widen. "like, flying in the air, fly?!"

"it's just a speculation, okay? we don't know that yet." eunsang says cooly.

"alright. i think that wouldn't be too hard."

"i'm sorry?"

"meet me in the fourth floor during lunch break. i know what i have to do."


"lunch break!" hyeongjun yells as he quickly runs away from eunsang before he could say anything.

eunsang sits there confused. what exactly does hyeongjun has in mind at the moment?

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