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what's the matter, cha?

"that little smile of yours, one that i love. you're looking good, dear."

eunsang didn't expect to see cha junho coming up from the basement without a single fragment of him broken. he saw him getting beaten up less than an hour ago, experienced it all himself, that was until the woman pushed the buttons and successfully zapped his soul out of the boy for good. a part of him wanted to come up to the latter and just surprise him with a sudden confrontation, but he knows for sure that is a stubborn move. so he pulls himself together and tries to keep his cool as his eyes gaze upon junho intently.

daniel gets up from his seat, the suspicion in his eyes looked clearly visible. he quirks an eyebrow as he raises his hand, gesturing the boy to stop walking. "when did we last see each other?"

junho pauses his motion. he tilts his head. "i'm sorry?"

that's definitely junho's voice, and that's definitely him. eunsang tries to encourage himself. if it's a robot, then it must be hard to differentiate it with the real junho. if they created a clone.. they did well with the details.

he shakes his head at the wild thoughts. no, eunsang. this is junho, stop being ridiculous.

deep inside he's not sure whether he should be happy if that's junho or some sort of a doppelgänger they seemingly created; if it's a doppelgänger, that means junho's still stuck in the basement somewhere crying for help. but if it is junho.. god knows what they purposely did to mess up his head.

daniel takes a step further back. "the last time we encountered each other, me and you. just us."

junho looks down, then he laughs. "ah, i really think this isn't necessary.."

"i don't think you have the rights to question the poor kid, euigeon-ah," miss kang mumbles profusely.

"oh no, no. it's okay, doctor." junho turns to daniel again. "the last time we saw each other.. it was at the funeral. please forgive me for my sudden outrage, i shouldn't have blamed you for her death that day. it must've been my fueled up emotions talking."

daniel nods blankly. "no, it's alright..." he clearly wasn't intrigued by the situation, he expects to see guards pointing guns towards the latter's head somewhere from afar, but he did not find any. the boy's clearly alone.

"sit down here, junho-yah." miss kang says as she points to the seat beside her. "daniel-ssi has been wondering your condition here at the compound. he said he's worried about you."

"oh really?"

"yes, he sets an attempt here to 'get' you out." miss kang laughs. "i told him off though, claimed that it's quite ridiculous. why would you wanna leave? you're our best contender who clearly deserves the scholarship."

daniel quirks an eyebrow. "scholarship?"

"yes, you heard it right." miss kang turns to the latter wistfully. "he's here for a program from the company that offers him a scholarship for seoul national university's medical school, and we're just getting started. daniel dear, what really makes you think that we're holding him in captive?"

eunsang notices the disgruntled look in daniel's face, and knows for sure that the latter wasn't intrigued by the scenario either. daniel gives a questionable smile. "a scholarship. from a group of academic-driven extremists— seriously junho-yah, you really don't think something's fishy here?"

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