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eunsang and his recurring misfits. seungyeon and his irrational goal. here's a toast for an extremely needed good luck.

"i'm so happy to see you all together as a team again! seungwoo-ssi, are you still in contact with jinhyuk-ah?"

country-renowned principal lee dongwook immediately requested their presence once he knows that few of his favored students have finally reached his radar again. the trio embrace him as an old friend, greeting him casually like a close family relative. no matter how much they despised this late alma mater they were once apart of, they couldn't help but feel an unspoken connection with this quite handsome old man.

"jinhyuk's taking liberal arts now, he's at his third semester." seungwoo answers.

"ooh, a philosopher. how about you? where you at these days?"

"i'm currently in med school. on the run to become the third generation doctor, i suppose."

"yah, you smart boy!" dongwook pats the latter's back in amusement. "no one would've thought that you failed graduating on your year's batch, you're practically a genius now!"

seungyeon and wooseok nod along. seungwoo was originally a year above them, but as he reached his senior year seungwoo purposely destroyed his own scores and rankings to the point he wasn't allowed to graduate because how low his scores were. most of his scores were in the ratio of 0-20, he didn't bother to join the remedials, and he practically broke dozens of teachers's hearts as most of them had placed their bets on him getting into snu in the beginning of the year. he did that all for the sole reason so he could graduate with seungyeon and wooseok, as they continued their mission of searching the disguised x1 individuals.

unfortunately, his one year of school delay ended up as a waste, because by the end of the year they barely even found any traces of people like them wandering around the school. they stopped searching the day after their graduation, when they promised themselves to continue a normal life without involving their developing powers.

of course, they were quick to break that promise the moment they stepped foot into the school's boundaries.

"come on, please let me escort you to the hall." offers the principal as they walk through the now quiet staircase. "i'll include you into my speech, you'll be amazed by how surprised the children will become."

"we just graduated, sir. most of them are probably already familiar of us." wooseok points out politely.

"of course! that's why you're here." the man grins. "you guys don't know how big your fanbase here is, don't you?"

"what makes you think that you can talk to me?"

to be completely honest, junho was slightly offended by the latter's rude reply. not only his face ignites extreme ignorance, his tone sounded as if he didn't even spare a bit of gratitude for the actions junho did earlier. it was as if junho's backlash towards dongpyo, the spiteful act of kindness, is merely one-sided. junho raises an eyebrow. "sorry?"

"are you bored? or just lonely?" the red haired boy asks again. "how desperate are you of a companion to the point you had to ask so lowly to me?"

junho's eyes flutter. "i don't get whether that was meant to offend me or rather just a very.. disguised compliment."

eunsang shrugs. "you must have a reason to talk to a freak like me."

"i don't think i needed a reason. i just wanted to start a conversation, that's all."

"so what's with you talking back to that guy who kept taunting me? you must've had done it for something."

"yeah, but i didn't do it for you." junho snaps. "dongpyo was a hell of a mess back there, it would've been better if his mouth is sealed shut. i just wanted to go against him because how infuriating he was, not because of you."

eunsang stands silent. junho pats him in a rather friendly way, breaking the tension. "relax, i'm not mad or anything. i just thought that confronting you will be the best choice after.. you know. what happened. i just wanted to check if you're alright."

eunsang nods in understanding. "i'm fine. i'm used to it."

deep down in eunsang's heart, he knew he wasn't. he's always so vulnerable of little things, to the point where he keeps his emotions piled up to himself. his mind is of the best state possible, but his heart... it's just sealed shut.

"great! i mean, that's kinda depressing but because you can cope with it then.. i don't have to be so concerned anymore." his eyes widens. "i mean, not concerned, i mean— you know what i mean."

eunsang looks at him weirdly before he continues climbing the stairs to the hall. junho follows him from behind, feeling strangely amused.

junho grins.

"you're smiling." eunsang mutters.

"you can't even see me."

"no, but i can just feel it."

"i'm sorry, i'm just kind of relieved." junho says honestly."


"there's someone with a much more robotic personality than me."

eunsang pauses. "you're just comfortable. your rigidity returns once you talk to another person."

"maybe because of that, i'd like to be more comfortable." junho smiles. "i have feeling you and i will be the best of friends."

eunsang eyes widen hearing those words coming out of the boy's mouth— he's not really used to hearing himself called as a friend let alone a best friend, so the sudden expression really thrown him off easily. ".. i don't have friends." he replies, one he's not sure whether he said it to junho or to himself.

the two boys reach the hall and sit in the back row because they're a few of the last students to be there. junho excitedly explains a bit about the school and how it's funded by a research company called imnet. he talks about the cool principal no one dislikes lee dongwook who sees himself as the father of all. he introduces eunsang to his friend from another class, hyeongjun. hyeongjun radiates happiness and positive energy to the point eunsang realizes how damp his life is.

towards the end of lee dongwook's speech, he announces that he has special guests coming who are quite fairly popular among the students. and once the three names were called, all the students respond with great enthusiasm. a few stood up and a few even cried in happiness. eunsang couldn't help but be curious of what's exactly happening. "who are they?"

"them? only the most coolest trio in the world." junho says in a mesmerizing tone. "han seungwoo, the beloved student council leader. kim wooseok, the school's affiliate. cho seungyoun, a chaebol from gangnam. they are inseparable, unbeatable, and irreplaceable. when they studied here, it just seemed like it's their world and we were just living in it. it feels so dull without them now."

"when did they graduate?"

"just last year."

"and now they immediately appear as alumnis?"

"yeah, the school misses them that much." junho replies. "whatever they're here for, we're all gonna enjoy it anyway."

eunsang glances at the three guests. the one named seungwoo stands upfront, bowing at everyone like a true natural. wooseok stands rigid, his aura sparks confidence. seungyoun—


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