I Fucked Up

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I fucked up

Imagine the worse thing you could do

To the person you love

And twist it and slit its throat

And put it in a box and send it

It still wouldn't be as horrible as what

I have done

She was the absolute love of my life

Not a high school fling or an all-nighter

No, she was the one I wanted to marry

The one I wanted to have kids with

The one I wanted to grow old

And die with

Everyone says that there's always going

To be the one that got away

But, just like the rest of my life

I thought this would be different

I don't write my fate

I cannot tell what will happen tomorrow

But if God has a script with my name

Then someone better find me a pen

Because this is not how my life will end

I love her

I can only think of one saying about her

"If you love something, set it free

If it comes back, it's yours to keep

If it never does, it wasn't meant to be"

That is honestly one of my least favorite sayings

Mainly because I've always thought

"Why would I let go of something I love?

Why should I give up instead of fight for it?

Why can't I have it forever?"

I'm only 22, and I can already say

I know the answer

If only life were simpler

Maybe then I would have a chance again

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