Old Talks

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I started going over old conversations

That I had with my best friend

And it's sad

It's sad because most of them were about

This one girl

And my attempts to sway her heart

Reading them over

I could see exactly

When I started falling apart

I could see every wrong turn I took

Every wrong decision I made

Every wrong word I said

Everything wrong I ever did

Until it got to the point

Where my whole self was just wrong

I knew it was a trigger

But I couldn't stop myself from reading

There was just something about

Reading how I was then

And comparing it to how I am now

Made me happy

And during one conversation

My friend actually said

"Don't worry, you'll look back one day

And laugh and smile and be happy"

Of course, I didn't believe her at that time

(Because how could I?)

But God damn it was she right

Because that's exactly what happened

I remembered my tears and my

Horrible thoughts and actions

And I laugh

Because it's over

And now is the time for me to be happy

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