Everything's Changed

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Prior to my diagnosis

Everyone around me was just that

They lived their own lives

They had their own worries and struggles

They would greet me when we met

And say goodbye when we left

Not thinking of me again until our

Next encounter

And then suddenly

I was put in a watch list

A reason to earn popularity

As long as you asked how I was

My acquaintances turned into friends

"I will always be a phone call away"

My friends turned into nurses

Who looked for any reason to call and ask

"How are you today?"

My nurses turned into parents

Not so much checking my vitals

But checking to see if I was still there

And my parents

Were lost somewhere in the confusion

I cannot find them

They have moved on

Oh how I wish I could also move on

Somewhere far and lost

Somewhere where people walk by

With a genuine smile aimed at my face

And not one forced to hide from my arm

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