Healing Wounds

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Have you ever taken the time

To fully see how

A scar actually heals?

I have a scar on my knee that I got a while ago

While playing soccer

I got it about a month ago

And it's barely turned into a scar with

No pain

Even when I touch it

But during the time that it was healing

I went through a lot

When I first got it, I put a bandage on it

Mostly to absorb the blood

But also to keep it from getting on my clothes

After a while

It eventually developed a scab to protect it

You have no idea how much I had to keep

From scratching it just due to the itchiness

And eventually, because I was careless

It opened up again

So I had to go through the same process

Once more

And again, it started to itch

The exact same time as last time

It took every ounce of my body to not scratch

After some time, it eventually stopped itching

I pretty much forgot about it

If it wasn't for the fact that everytime

I touched it

A slight pain would run through my body

Originating from the original wound

That definitely took some getting used to

I dressed appropriately as to not disturb it

I walked with a slight limp just to avoid

My pant rubbing against it

I basically put my heart in quarantine

I noticed it just today

And realized that it doesn't hurt anymore

No itch, no scab, no pain whatsoever

I had eventually stopped keeping track of it

And went on with my life

Sure, looking at it, I remember everything

Everything I went through for it to heal

And although it wasn't as hard as

Other injuries that I've suffered

It will definitely stay with me

In that exact spot, waiting

For the next chance to remind me

Of what a nuisance it was

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