Fists Clenched, Mouth Shut

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You smile with your teeth

I remember when you wouldn't

Always fists clenched

Mouth shut

As if you were trapped

What were you trying to hide little one?

Did you have a vision

Of the foreseeable future?

Of what would happen to us?

Or did you see what would happen to you?

No, impossible

Because if you would have

You would have known that everything worked out

You would have seen nothing but happiness

Of course, not for everyone

But for the ones who had their eyes open

Instead of

Fists clenched

Mouth shut

You would have seen something grand

Something smooth that could have only happened

With great time and patience

You would have seen suffering

Beyond your wildest dreams

More than losing a loved one

Or giving up on someone precious

Or the perfect assortment

Of both

Something so deadly and potent

That it could have destroyed your world and mine

Something that, thankfully,

Has not come to pass

Because you learned to smile with your teeth

And not with

Fists clenched

Mouth shut

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