Lost Credits

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After years of being out of school
I finally know what I want to study
So I went back and received guidance
And I learned a funny fact
Because of my degree change
I lost about two classes
Since they weren't required for my field
Which didn't bother me
That was the reason I didn't continue
To avoid future mistakes like this
But what really surprised me
Was the fact that one of the classes I lost
Was the one I met you in
Which made me wonder
If I had decided on this field from the beginning
There is a real possibility
That I never would have met you
One of the reasons I even spoke to you
Was because you caught my eye in class
So, in turn
Taking that class resulted in us
And everything that happened afterwards
I don't know whether to laugh
Or to cry
Because I love our memories
But I hate the pain I caused you
I love the laughs we shared
And regret the tears we spilled
I don't know if I should thank God for the class
Or wish he would have done something else

It's past midnight right now
I have to work early tomorrow
But with these thoughts in my mind
I don't know if I'll make it through the night

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