Our Last Piece

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Bed unmade
The corpse of a pillow lying down
Firmly on top
The first casualty of the day
The other two still have heartbeats

I remember the fair
The Ferris wheel, food and drinks
Far too much than we can handle
But not enough to convince us to stop
What a strange memory to have at that time

Dark clouds must have been overhead
For the trickle of tears from your face
Would have confounded any meteorologist
And as the covers changed from clean to soiled
So too did my heart change in rhythm

Wait, stop. I don't understand
Your words strike my eyes
And your voice causes mine to hide
I don't want to believe you
Please uncover your face from your hands

In that moment I was lost
Somewhere between life and death
Because at that time they were both the same
And I acted in a way that I'm not proud of
But how else would a man act when he has lost his future

I have written countless pieces
Most about you
Some about others
But this is the last one I will write
About us
I don't regret it
I just regret it being me who did it
I'm sorry

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