Chapter 31 : The Devil's Match

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Anika did not knock, she barged into his office room letting the door bang behind her. He turned from the glass wall that looked upon the road down. She glanced around finding no one in the room except him.

"Manners? They left you or you left them?" He mocked turning to look at her properly.

"What is your problem?" Her every word weighed heavily.

"Excuse me?" He raised a brow, like he did not even have a hint, what she was referring to.

"Omkara, for his happiness you were fighting with me. Right? He is happy, right? Married and off to honeymoon with my sister. What is your problem now?" She folded her hands. He stared at her slightly perplexed at the promising confidence her eyes reflected.

"Miss Anika Sharma, I think you've lost it. I recommend psychiatric treatment. But before that please get to work and finish your business. The sooner you finish the last job assigned to you, the sooner you'll be free from here to make your appointments with the psychiatrist. "

Anika held back her smile. She was supposed to be offended at his comment but she somehow caught the humor.

"You're the one who needs it, Mr.Oberoi." she looked at him straight in the eyes, without a blink.

He was amazed at her sudden boldness. He walked up to her. His eyes looking intimidating as ever. She did not even flinch a bit. He was further surprised, however, he did not show it. He stood inches away from her.

"Why do you have to interfere with my life?"

He tried not to look at her plump pink lips. He tried not to hear his mind's arousing desires. He tried to stifle the soft plead of his heart - to touch her cheeks. Anger rose. He was struggling. Although none of it made it up to the surface, his face. "You walked into my life, my home and my office. You freaking don't have the right to even ask..."

"I do Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi." She screamed cutting him off.

"You don't use that tone with me." He snapped raising his own voice glaring at her. With every passing minute, it got harder. There wasn't a time when he saw her and did not think about the night. How he wished he could stop time at that night. He never wanted her to be in the conscious state of mind. He wanted that Anika who would love him and still not know about it. Knowing that someone loved you, gave you the right to hurt that someone. He did not want to give her that right. The right to hurt him.

"Oh, I will. You are the one who doesn't have the right to make my decisions, to use me to your advantage, to keep track of me, to decide whether I live or die or what I write in my suicide note. You are no one to decide whether I need self-defense classes or not. You are freaking no one." She screamed, tears flowing down her cheeks. Fisting the lapels of his coat she shook him, "why?"

He held her wrists firmly and pushed them away from his coat. "Don't cross your limit." He warned.

"Oh, so you're the only one who gets to cross the limits? That's not fair." She looked at him with red-rimmed eyes.

"Look, stop this drama and get lost." He spoke in an icy cold tone.

Anika stepped closer to him. "Drama and me? You're the one who has been the drama king here. So much drama that no one even knows what's real and what's drama. You're the biggest coward I have ever seen. You hide, Shivaay. You hide. Devils do that. They hide in shadows and darkness. You are doing that."

"Enough. Done? Not a word more. Or I will forget that you're my brother's wife's family." He hollered angrily.

Anika let out a humorless chuckle. "What will you do? Kill me? Nah. You won't. Force me to pleasure you?" She stepped closer. He stared at her, truly bowled over. Her attitude, just messing with his mind, turning him on. "Will you? I am not drunk this time. Besides your self-defense training has been doing good. Especially when the trainer aims to make you a perfectionist at it. Don't even try. What options are you left with? None that promising. Fire me? Nah. I have already resigned. What will you do Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi?"

She stared at him. Letting her face muscles ease. She looked at him with a soft gaze. Steadily she raised her palm and cupped his cheek. His eyes widened taken aback. "You can't do anything. Cause I know why you're doing all of this." She stared at him.

He gulped gently pushing away her hand. As much as he wanted to hug her at the moment he wanted to push her away. Did she know what he felt for her? Did she have a hint? He did not have a word to say. His mind had got numb. The devil had gone numb. The heart was beating. Bleeding, too. But he did not know how to react. He waited. Waited for his mind to push forward words that would be his shield. She was right his darkness was his shield. He hid behind it.

"What are you to up to?" He asked looking into her eyes.

"That's my question to you." She spoke in a soft voice this time yet firm words.

"Stop beating around the bush, will you?" He snapped angrily.

"You're the one who has to stop it. Tell me why you have Bhavya shadowing me." She looked into his clear blue eyes that were slowly turning greenish. He looked at her stunned. She knew! Since when?  "Tell me how you always land at the right time at the right place to be there for me? Tell me why it matters to you whether I live or die? Tell me."

"This doesn't make sense." He spoke looking at her straight in the eyes. They said if one looked in the eye while speaking he was speaking the truth. He wasn't exactly lying. But he wasn't speaking the truth either. He was afraid of this. How on earth did she even understand, that is if his assumption was right, that he was doing it all, all for her.

"Cause you don't like the truth." She smiled. "Cause you're hiding. Hiding behind this rigid mask akin to a devil. You know the truth. You're hiding that as well."

"You are making absolutely no sense to me. I have better work than listening to your stupid twisted words. The interviews. They begin in an hour. I want you to be there and send in a black coffee." He looked away as he spoke and then turned to her. There she was all smiling. Was she mad?

"Nice change of topic." She stepped closer. Truly for the first time Shivaay was intimidated.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked staring at her.

"Why? Your thought only you could do it?"

"You need a psychiatrist." He nodded his head. "Mind leaving the room?"

She chuckled. "You're cute when you're annoyed." Saying that she walked out smiling. She had found answers. Answers to questions she had been confused about. It wasn't a one-sided thing between them. She just had to dig in a little and get out that from the dark inside of his soul. She had never strongly felt before that this man was capable of truly loving someone. She had been wrong all the while.

He loved. He loved in secrecy. He loved from his heart that had been pushed into deep darkness by his mind- the devil. Her fight was with that devil. She had to rescue his heart. Even better steal his heart from the devil. She smiled. There was someone who cared. Cared so deeply. There was someone who loved her. In such a way that no one but she felt it. She was loved! 

Shivaay stood rooted to the spot. What had changed? The girl who barely had a voice before him left him at a loss of words.  What was with her taking steps to come close to him? Did she say he was cute? Damn. What was wrong with her? More importantly, what was freaking wrong with him? He should have intimidated her but she was a freaking fire today. He should have led her to the lie when he feared that she was near truth. That's what a devil does. He doesn't marvel at how they're arriving at the truth m, despite all his conspiracy. He strays them away from the truth. 


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