Chapter 36 : Dancing With The Devil, Again

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Two months later :

Anika kissed his cheek and he smiled. "You look wonderful." She complimented smiling as she straightened his coat.

Then he placed his petal-like lips on her soft cheek returning the gesture. "You look pretty, like always." His eyes shone with admiration. 

Anika kissed his forehead, closing her eyes in reverence to God. Love was a powerful feeling. It had the power to heal, to strengthen, to light up a life. His love had done that to her. Love was a two-way street. She never thought she could fit so well in someone's life. After all the odds they were together. Nothing else mattered. At least at the moment. 

In the nights, when loneliness came to haunt her she would simply turn to him and hold him close in her arms. In the darkness, when nightmares tormented him, he would snuggle close to her seeking her warmth. They both were seemingly complete, yet there was a little hollow awaiting fulfillment. They both knew deep in their hearts, but they never let it surface.

"I think it is Avi, Mumma!" He said excitedly scuttling away from her. She smiled and stood up on her feet. It had been more than a month, and she felt like she knew him since his birth. She did not know how the little boy she had met that rainy night, had become an essential part of her. Motherhood did not come from giving birth, she knew it now. Every time he called her 'Mumma' Anika's heart warmed and a sense of being loved filled her soul. She would give up anything for him. True love doesn't take time. Their love was a clear example. He had been craving a mother and she had been craving for the purest form of love. Rudra was the best present God had bestowed her with. 

She checked her appearance in the mirror. It was more than a month, almost two actually, than she had last seen him, the blue-eyed devil. A small smile graced her lips. She missed him. There wasn't a day, that had gone by without thinking about him. She would be seeing him today after approximately two months. The Oberois were holding a party tonight to celebrate the birthday of the businessman Shivaya Singh Oberoi. 

Anika had met Gauri many times after her return from the honeymoon. Sometimes Gauri would drop by and at others, Anika would be invited to the Oberoi Mansion. However, not once she had seen him. She did not know whether he was testing her or himself. Her heart told her that he hadn't forgotten her. He couldn't. Just like she couldn't. How would he escape her today? She smiled adjusting her saree. 

The days spent away from him made her mad at him, made her cry for him, made her understand him. Her doubts had faded with time. She believed he loved him. Her belief was all she had. He was the devil and she knew that very well. She knew she had told him she had given up on him. But she hadn't really. Every day she hoped he would come to her and tell her how stupid he had been to not accept his feelings. However, it was the devil she was expecting it from. He obviously wouldn't succumb. Anika smiled remembering all those little things that made her feel she was still watched. He still had his eyes on her even though he might not be visible. Every time any small or big trouble would come way an easy solution would appear out of the blue. Just like she had got a very well paying job at Jaanvi Oberoi's friend's Financial Solutions Company. Just like Rudra's adoption had happened swiftly thanks to the very handsome salary Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi had paid his secretary for a month. 

"Mumma..." Rudra's voice made her turn quickly, grab her purse, and rush out. "Coming, Ru!" She answered switching off the lights. Everyone loved Ru. From Avinash Rathore her new neighbor and good friend to the Oberois. Especially Omkara, he had a very affectionate bond with Rudra.  Gauri loved him too. She was happy for Anika. Everything seemed to be in perfect place, just her heart was out of order, still waiting for the devil. 

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