Chapter 1

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My legs were getting tired. I was running out of breath. The footsteps were audibly closer, even though I was running as fast as I could. It wasn't fast enough. He caught me by my ankle, making me trip. Luckily, I caught myself before I face planted the ground.

       I let out a yell as I realized that he caught me. I had no idea how long I had been running, but I didn't want to go with him. "What happened to all your stamina, Arianna," his deep voice asked.

        I turned to glare at my dad. "My asthma was acting up," I said. I wasn't sure if this was true, but it sounded like a good excuse. I was a little embarrassed that my dad was able to last longer than I did. He wanted to drag me with him to a fancy gala this evening, for work. The invitation had a plus one and Dad has been begging me to go with him.

       Fancy dresses and galas and stuck up people weren't my thing. I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat. "Fine," I caved. "But don't expect me to get all super fancy. I'm not putting all that crappy makeup shit on my face." He laughed and nodded. "Okay. You look better without it anyway." I smiled and reached up to grasp his hand that was held out to pull me up.

       We walked back to the house together. He opened the door for me to walk inside. I went upstairs to get ready and stopped at the picture frame on my desk. If Mom were here, she would have saved me from going, because she knew that I hated these kind of things. If she were here, she would have gone with Dad instead. There were a lot of things that would have been different if Mom were still here. But she's not. She's gone, dead, leaving me with a Mom sized hole in my heart.

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