Chapter 22

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I felt like complete shit. I awoke disoriented, but once I got my bearings, everything came flooding back to me. The clubhouse, the explosions, the letter, Dani. I frantically looked around at that thought, as though I had somehow missed him during the evaluation of the room. I had no idea if he was okay or not.

       He had to be, right? I wanted- no. I needed to find him amd make sure he was okay. What if something terrible happened to him? Then what would I do? I had no idea, but I needed him there with me right now. Then, the door opened and my eyes shot toward it. He walked in and a gorgeous smile broke out on his face. 

        "Dani. What-" I was at a loss for words and I wasn't sure what was trying to push itself out of my mouth. He walked closer to me and sat at the edge of my bed and it wasn't until then that I comprehended the fact that we were in a hospital room. 

        Finally I took a deep breath. "Are you okay," I asked. His smile faded slightly but was still there nonetheless. He pulled me in his arms for a hug and I automatically hugged him back. 

       "You don't need to worry about me love. I'm fine." He pulled back and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead. "I love you," he said softly. I couldn't help but smile at his words. "I love you too," I whispered. After a moment of silence, I finally voiced my question.

       "Who was that? The guy at the tree house?"

       His jaw locked and I was afraid that he wouldn't answer but he finally gritted out a response. "That was Marcus. He's a fallen angel. He was most likely told to follow us, since they probably saw you come up on the security cameras. They know who you are and now you're their new target." 

       I knitted my brows together. "Can't you just tell them that I want to help? That I'm on their side?" He blew an exasperated breath through his clenched teeth that sounded more like a hiss.

        "I don't know, but I don't want to risk it. Besides, they hurt you and I'm not going to forgive that easily," he said.

       I struggled to find words. "Well… we can't just let the entire fallen angel race die out. If they kill them, then they'll probably find out that they're missing some. I doubt the archangels would stop until every last one of you is killed, and I'm not going to lose you like that Dani. I can't." 

        He looked me in the eye for the first time. "They can't kill me. They'd just lock me in Hell for the rest of eternity." That didn't make me feel better like he probably thought it would.

        "I'm still not going to allow it. No matter what they do, I'm not letting you get taken away from me. If they lock you in Hell then I'll just have to find a way to break you out. Or die trying," I said boldly.

       This seemed to grab his attention and he sprung off the bed, shooting me a bewildered and stern look. "Absolutely not. If I get caught then you will not come looking for me, do you understand Arianna?" I shot up to stand too, trying not to mess up the IV's, but ignoring them all the same.

       "Why not? You would do the same for me, so I see no difference." 

       A pained expression came across his face but he quickly hid it away and replaced with a hard one. "I'm not going to argue about this Arianna," he gritted out. I lifted my chin a little higher in an act of defiance.

        "Neither will I, Dani." He sighed and crossed his arms. "Please just lie back down Angel. We don't have to talk about this now." I grumbled unintelligibly and reluctantly sat back down on the bed. I looked back over at him.

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