Chapter 19

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After some suspicious glares from Kaleb, and some questioning glances from Kathy, I asked Kaleb if he could take me back to my neighborhood so that I could get my father's car. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me in surprise. 

        "Are you sure," he asked hesitantly. I took a deep breath and nodded, determined to meet this head on. I need some kind of reminder of him. We couldn't afford a funeral so we had to cremate him and I had decided to sprinkle his ashes over Mom's grave, so he could be with her like he always wanted.

       He pursed his lips and stared at me for a second longer. "Okay," he said at last. "Whenever you're ready." I nodded again and went upstairs to grab my phone and slide into a pair of converse. I went back downstairs and met Kaleb in his car. He drove me to my familiar neighborhood and I couldn't bare to look at the remains of my house, because it will only bring back stinging memories of Dad and I didn't want to feel that pain right now.

       Kaleb pulled up right beside the car and I turned to him. "You can go ahead and go home if you want. I need to run a few errands," I said to him. The look of suspicion that he had been throwing at me all morning never subsided and now, it only intensified. He nodded once and drove away once I shut the door.

       I moved to the drivers side of Dad's black Camaro and took a deep breath, preparing myself. I opened the door and buckled myself in the seat. I was hit by a wave of lemon scented car freshener, that Dad had insisted on keeping even though I had told him repeatedly that it burned my nose. Still, I welcomed the scent. 

       I cranked the car and made my way to the outskirts of town, glad that I had remembered which way to go this time. When I pulled up to the warehouse, I felt a joy spread through me at the memory of last night. It had felt so… right.

       After stepping out of the car and giving the door a few tentative knocks, it opened, revealing the face that had been playing in my head all morning and I instantly had a smile to light up my face.

       His eyebrows were furrowed, like he was surprised that I was here. "Angel? What-" I cut him off by throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him down to meet my lips. He smiled at first and then immediately wrapped his arms around my waist, just as he had in my dream last night.

       He pulled away after a few moments and looked down at me, his eyes registering confusion. "You shouldn't be here, love. The Fallen angels can monitor us here." 

       I mentally smacked myself. You should have thought of that dummy. "I had to see you," I admitted. His ghost of a smile appeared, making my heart stutter. I hadn't realized how much I liked Dani until right then. I was afraid… afraid of what would happen if this like turned into something more, but at that moment, I no longer cared. I just wanted him.

       I wanted him badly, but knew that no matter how much of himself he gave to me, I would always want more, like an insatiable hunger. The dream last night had almost worsened it, because it gave me a taste of a forbidden fruit. Why am I forbidden?

        A blush heated my cheeks and I had never felt as hot as I did right then. I would need to control my thoughts better around him. Because I shouldn't fall for you when your kind has killed my family, I thought at him. His smirk turned into a grimace as he registered the truth in my words.

       "It's okay. I don't blame you. I just know that the ones I do blame won't approve of our relationship and I don't want to let you be punished for that," I said honestly. 

       "I'd rather burn in hell than be away from you Angel. I love you too much to let them take you away from me." My heart swelled at his statement and I immediately felt a rush of hope course through me at the thought of all the possibilities of him admitting that he loved me, for whatever reason.

Dani's P.O.V.

       She froze, so many emotions running across her face when the words flew out of my mouth. But everything I said was the truth. I knew that I loved her. I had loved her ever since I had seen her at her mother's funeral. It was morbid, sure, but everything about her caught my attention. How much she looked like Serena was shocking. Though that's not what had made me interested. It was the way she held herself. 

       She was not crying, but I could see the pain and agony in her eyes while she stood there, comforting her sobbing father. Her jaw was locked as she stared straight ahead. 

       Ever since then, I had become infatuated. Watching her from afar, noting her routine. When I learned she was moving, I took this chance to enroll into the high school she would be attending, knowing she would think nothing of it, since she would be new and hadn't noticed me at the funeral. 

       Once her stance relaxed, she flung herself at me, crushing our lips together again. I was joyful at her response, to know that she wanted me too, though I had already seen that in her head.

       She pulled back and leaned over, letting her soft lips graze my ear. "I love you too, Dani." Nothing could wipe the smile off of my face at that moment. It was kind of funny because I knew that she did long before she knew, even when she was yelling at me and when she punched me. I could feel how much it hurt her in her mind, even if the anger and physical pain overthrew it. 

       I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer, burying my face in the locks of her thick black hair. She pulled back and smiled. "Will you go somewhere with me?" 

       The familiar words knocked the air from my lungs but I tried to look casual. They were the exact same words I had used to deceive her, and I wouldn't forgive myself for that. "Sure Angel," I said coolly. Her smile grew and she took my hand, pulling me towards her car. I didn't know where we were going, but she was happy and that's all that mattered to me in that moment.

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