Chapter 7

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I came home to see Dad's car in the driveway. I walked into the house and smelled Dad's strong Foldgers coffee. I walked into the kitchen and smiled at Dad, who was mixing his sugar and cream into his cup of coffee.

        I walked up to him and gave him a hug. He smiled down at me as ge wrapped his arm around me. His nostrils flared and a look of disgust crossed his face for just a second, but he quickly recovered. I furrowed my brows in confusion, but I let it pass.

        "Did you see the paper on your nightstand," I asked. He nodded and nodded his head towards the far counter. ,"Yeah I signed it. So what is the library council exactly?" I explained it to him, the way Kaleb had when I asked him about it. 

        He nodded. "I have to go back to work later tonight," he said. "I nodded, unfazed. He usually got called into work at some point, so I was used to it and being home alone. We sat and ate dinner, which was takeout because neither of us could cook. We made small talk about school and how my day was then he got up and left for work, leaving me to be alone once again. 

       I went to my room and started searching through the shows on Netflix, trying to decide what to watch. I finally settled on Riverdale and after two episodes, I felt a chill run up my spine. Come outside, said a soft voice in my head. I looked around and saw nothing. Go downstairs and walk outside, came the soft voice again. It sounded eerily familiar, but I had no idea where it came from. 

        I stood up warily. There was no way I was going outside, but I needed to see what was happening. I went over to my window to check everything out, but I saw nothing. The one streetlight across the street was dim, leaving an orange glow. I looked around again and still saw nothing. 

        I was turning to sit back down when something moved under the streetlight. I snapped my gaze over to look at it, and as soon as my eyes landed on it, it stopped moving. It was a person in a dark hoodie and dark clothes. They stopped, like they had felt my eyes on them and they looked directly at me. I didn't see their face, it was covered by the hood, but I was instantly on edge. 

        Their eyes jumped down below me and they started walking towards my house with a quick pace. I was alarmed. I sprinted downstairs as fast as I could and locked the front door, then I ran to the back door and locked it, then all the windows downstairs. I let out a breath of relief once I locked the last kitchen window and turned around only to stop in my tracks. 

        I let out a blood curdling scream that I was honestly not proud of. The hooded figure stood there in front of me. I couldn't see their face that much, but I could see their mouth, which was curled up in a wicked grin. You shouldn't leave your door unlocked, Angel. 

        I backed away, reaching behind me both for support to make sure I don't trip and fall, and to see if I could find anything to hit this guy with if necessary. With each step that I took back, he took one forward, until he trapped me in a corner. 

        I squeezed my eyes shut. They were burning and I didn't want to cry and give this creepy intruder the satisfaction of letting them know that I was terrified. I thought back to the last thing the voice in my head had said to me and my eyes snapped open as I recognized the nickname that the voice had given. 

        "Dani," I breathily asked. His smile grew wider and he reached up and pushed his hood back. It was indeed Dani. I locked my jaw and stood up straighter. "Get out," I said in a steely voice. I don't know how he got inside, or why he was here, but I wanted him gone. 

        Why would I do that, Angel? He took a step closer, leaving only an inch of space between our bodies. I clenched my fists and looked up at him. "Get out of my head and my house," I commanded. 

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