Chapter 15

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The next day, I went to school with Kaleb. It was pretty much a normal day, but I caught a few pitying glances as I walked down the halls, though no one actually came up to me and said anything.

       Kaleb walked with me to calculus, then left to go to his first class. We had a test today, though I was prepared for it and it wasn't that hard either. When lunch time came around, I went to the library, like always, abd Kaleb was already at our table.

       I sat in my seat across from him and gave him a smile. "What did you do without me yesterday?" He kept a straight face when he answered. "I sat right here in this chair and talked to the air." I stared at him for a second to see if he was serious so that I could question his sanity. He kept eye contact for a few seconds longer before laughing. "I was kidding. I just sorted books with Kathy until the bell rang."

        "Okay then," I said. I pulled out a sandwich I had made and started eating one half of the meaty triangles. We spent the rest of lunch time making corny jokes and laughing and talking about different kinds of books. 

        The bell rang and I stood up and threw my trash away. Kaleb was twisting the stud in his ear and reminded me to come back after school was over. After gym, I was kind of nervous, because I didn't want to face Dani yet, or ever. I was still pissed off and what the detective told me yesterday only made my hatred grow towards him. He knew that someone was going to murder my father and burn down my new home, but he said nothing. Instead I let him get into my head and play me like I was some kind of game.

         When I got to biology, Dani was nowhere in sight, which sent a huge wave of relief rolling through me. I sat down and endured the class, waiting for the bell to ring. When it did, I walked out to make my way to the library, when chills ran up my spine. I spun on my heels but I didn't see Dani anywhere. I was being paranoid. I turned back around only to run into someone. Of course my luck would run out.

        Dani stood in front of me. I set my jaw and walked around him, but he caught my arm. "We need to talk Angel." My gaze snapped to his. "Let go of me," I demanded coldly.

         "Just come with me love, so we can sort this out," he said. I felt a violent wave of anger run through me. I jerked my arm away. "Stop using fucking pet names for me, Dani. I don't want to hear your bullshit and I have somewhere to be." I moved to walk around him again and without knowing what I was doing, I drew my hand back and punched him in the jaw. I know it wouldn't hurt him, but I still felt pride in the fact that I had put enough force behind it to make his head snap back.

        The hallways were cleared, so there was no one around to witness this, but yet somehow, Kaleb still knew, because next thing I know, he's there, pushing Dani's hand from my arm as easily as if he was swatting a fly. His expression was livid as he looked at Dani. Dani didn't seem to notice or care because he was staring at me in surprise. Kalebs took my throbbing hand and pulled me forward with him, but instead of going to the library, he walked straight into the girls bathroom, pulling me along with him.

        He held up my hand and examined it. There was a purple bruise forming around my knuckles and the knuckle for my middle finger was split and bleeding. I knew for a fact that Kaleb wasn't even breathing. The adrenaline had worn off and my hand was starting to hurt. He ran my hand under the cold water and then patted it softly with a paper towel. He held my hand between both of his, the cold making my hand feel better.

        We were both silent as we stood there and Kaleb still looked angry and tense, like he was trying to control himself. 

Kaleb's P.O.V.

        I wanted to kill him. He hurt her physically and emotionally, but I had already wanted to do that anyway. She was angry and I was angry, and it took all myself control to just stand there and help her instead of finding him and finish what she started. I was also using my self control to hold my breath and ignore the blood so that I didn't take her then and there.

        I should have taken her to Kathy, but I wanted to make sure that she was okay first. I looked down at her and gave her a small smile. "Is your hand numb yet," I asked. She smiled and shook her head. "Thank you," she whispered. She drew her free hand up and placed it on the back of my neck, tugging me down to her waiting mouth. 

        I was surprised at first. I was already trying to keep my desires under control, but then she has to do this. I had been fantasizing about this but I was trying hard not to push her away right then because the smell of blood was still fresh in the air. I had to keep my fangs from coming out and piercing her soft lip. 

       I pulled away after a few more seconds, trying to hold on to that last thread of control. She didn't seem to mind though. I could hear her heart racing and see her pulse quickening and I was practically drooling. When was the last time I hunted? Last night, I was sure of it. It was unusual for me to be thirsty already, but Arianna did unusual things to me that she doesn't even know about.

        "Um, we should get you to the library so Kathy can properly check out your hand," I said softly. She gave the slightest nod and we walked out of the bathroom, my hand still cradling hers.

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