Chapter 10

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Dani was still there, leaning on the motorcycle that I usually park next to, so my assumption is that the bike is his. He saw me approaching and stood up. "Did you really wait for me out here," I asked pushing past him to open my car door and sit down.

       He walked over and stood beside me, blocking me from closing my door. I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow in question. "Yes, I waited for you so that we could talk," he said.

       "Talk about what, Dani?" He sighed and bent down to be eye level with me. "We never talked about who you are last night," he said. "You left, so we could have, but we didn't," I pointed out.

       A ghost of a smile crossed his face, but he quickly recovered. "We were busy," he said coolly. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away. "I already know who I am, Dani. I don't need confirmation about my own life," I said. 

        "But you don't know, Arianna. You have no idea who you really are. What you are." I looked over sharply and Kathy's words came back to me. The worst part is that she doesn't know what she is, so when she shifts, it's going to be ugly. "What are you talking about? What am I?" He sighed and stood up. 

       "Will you come with me," he asked. I glanced at the motorcycle behind him then looked back at his face. I reluctantly got out of the car and followed him over to the huge death trap. He handed me the only helmet and helped me strap it on. He climbed onto the bike and helped me up behind him. I had never been on a motorcycle before, and I was honestly terrified to be on this huge Sportster.

       He revved the engine and I immediately wrapped my arms around his torso. We started moving forward and I held on even tighter and I hoped he didn't notice that my thighs were literally clenching his hips for dear life. We pulled onto the road and I pressed my head into the crook of my arm against his back. 

        I didn't want to look. I was afraid that if I saw the fast blur of scenery, then I would get sick, and I was not planning on that today. It felt like an eternity, though I was sure that it was only about five minutes, before we stopped. 

       I lifted my head and looked around. We were at an abandoned warehouse, and I wondered why I decided to trust Dani enough to bring me here, no questions asked. I should have asked so many questions. 

       I pulled the helmet off and he took my hand and pulled me forward. I followed him into the warehouse and he went through a door on the far side. There was a security panel and he typed in the password, then did a retina scan. Sheesh. Paranoid much, I thought to myself. 

       The door opened and closed once we were on the other side, like in all the horror, sci-fi movies. This place had an eerie feel to it and I was reasonably on edge. I squeezed Dani's hand and he looked over to give me a reassuring smile. 

        He led me through the small corridor and opened a door at the end. He flipped the light switch and I was surprised to see that it was actually a modern, clean living room. The walls were a cloudy gray color and the sofa was a black leather, while all the woodwork was a mahogany color. 

        He pulled me through another small hallway, switching lights along the way so that we could see. He opened another door that had a stairwell. We walked down the stairs and ended up in what appeared to be a small basement that was turned into a library and it reminded me of the archive at school.

        He walked over to the desk, letting go of my hand. I wanted his warmth back, but I didn't say anything. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a large, thick book, along with a file folder.

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